Chapter: 4 Worst Comes To Worst

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Tintin bit his lower lip as he tried to think of what he would say, or how he would say it. It's funny, I've been chased by drug smugglers with guns, but I've never been this nervous before. He fiddled with the ring in his pocket a bit more

     The park was beautiful, the trees seemed to have a white glow around them from the buds of flowers that were just starting to bloom and the flowers by the stream had emerged from their hibernation as well. Rosa brought him to a small patch of flowers and kneeled beside them. He kneeled as well.

They were sweet little yellow flowers with black centers, almost like a sunflower. "These are called Partridge Peas. I used to pick them all the time when I was little. One of my brothers dared me to eat one once. I did, of course. I'm telling you, the worst decision of my life." Rosa and Tintin both laughed as she picked one of the flowers and put it on top of Tintin's head. "There. Now you're beautiful."

"Are you saying that I wasn't beautiful before?" Tintin put a hand over his heart dramatically and pretended to faint. Rosa chuckled and pushed him back up to his feet.

"If it makes you feel better, you're the most beautiful man I know."

"Sounds like I may be giving you a run for your money." Tintin wrapped his arms around Rosa's shoulder and brought her in for a side hug. She hummed sweetly and hugged him back.

What was she so worried about? This was amazing. Just the two of them in the city. To be fair, being around Tintin at all was amazing. She smiled as she giggled. She never wanted to leave his side. To be with him for every adventure. a warm feeling filled her chest as she nuzzled her head into Tintin's chest.

He looked down at her. He knew what he would say. He began to reach down into his back pocket for the box.

"You know what would be fun?" Rosa asked as she stared at the stream.

Tintin paused and brought his hand back, trying not to draw suspicion. "No. What?"

"I need to take you clothes shopping."

"Are you saying you don't like what I'm wearing?" Tintin joked playfully.

Rosa shoved him in the shoulder as she stood up. "No, you big dum dum. I mean 'cause it's fun. It was pretty much all I did growing up. Never ended up buying anything, but it was always nice looking at all the fancy dresses and the glittery shoes displayed in the windows."

Tintin pictured Rosa in a beautiful Sunday dress. She twirled around happily as the ruffles spun with the breeze. A large grin appeared on his face. "Alright. But you have to show me what clothing you like first." He stood up as he readjusted his jacket. He never tried buying her any clothing. Mainly because most of what she wore ended up being sweaters and slacks, with the occasional dress for dinner parties. Never anything nice to wear around town.

"It's a deal. Come on. Gimbles is this way." Rosa gestured back towards the gate and Tintin followed her closely afterward, watching her bounce as she walked away.


      "You'd look so fancy pants in this." Rosa held up a blazer from the rack next to Tintin's chest. She tilted her head back as she purses her lips. "Nah. Not enough pockets." Tintin turned to her as he grabbed the blazer from her. It was a striking grey plaid with a black lining. Tintin nodded. It certainly was fancy-looking.

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