|1| Humble Beginnings

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A/N: Recommend reading: Up to chapter 45

"An arranged marriage?!" My eyes went round in shock. "But when did you decide this?" I panicked, clutching my head as I tried to convince myself I had heard wrong.

"Hanami, I'm doing this for our family," my mother said dryly.

"But it's just so sudden and-and just..." I shook my head, my eyes glued to the ground as I tried to search for the right words to say.

This couldn't be happening.

"Hanami! Stop this nonsense!" She yelled, her sudden aggressiveness making me flinch. "We've been struggling for years now and it never gets better. This is our only option!"

"But an arranged marriage..." I mumbled, my eyes darting to the ground.

"If I hear you complain one more time-"

"Why didn't you ask for my opinion?!" I screamed.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Hanami!" She roared as she lifted her hand.

I immediately flinched at her action, ready for contact. But, just as I was mentally preparing myself for that stinging sensation I had become so familiar with over the past months, she retracted her hand.

"Your pretty face is the only thing that saved you young lady," she declared flatly, the stench of alcohol reaching my nostrils. "Now stop this whining. Your father is in the hospital! Do you really think I can afford to pay for everything around here?! This marriage is very important. Your future and our family is at stake."

"But I-" I tried to complain.

'I don't want to get married to a stranger...' I thought.

"If you actually cared for your father, you would agree without complaining," she frowned. "But I see that's not the case."

'But I do care for father...' I sulked miserably.

"Now go back to your room."

"Hanami?" A soft murmur called my name.

I didn't answer, my mind elsewhere as yesterday's memories replayed over and over inside my head.

"Hanami?" The voice repeated as it grew louder and louder. "Hanami!" It finally yelled.

The booming sound startled me as I tore my gaze from my desk and focused on whoever it was.

"Hanami, this is the fourth time I'm calling your name," the teacher's strict and annoyed voice said.

I heard the people around me giggling quietly as they made themselves comfortable, eager to witness the scolding I was going to receive.

"Sorry," was my only response as I looked down at my hands in shame.

"No wonder your grades have been lacking," she said dryly, her voice bearing no sympathy as she handed me my graded test with disdain.

I pursed my lips, already expecting the worst. I slowly took a peak at the numbers written in red ink.

"59..." I mumbled, my eyes vacant of any emotion.

"So, now that you've all looked at your grades," the teacher's commanding voice successfully shushed down my classmates. "You'll realize how you, as a class, leave much to be desired."

I sulked in defeat. Great...

"You should all learn from your student council," she said as she gestured at the boy sitting in front of me, her eyes full of pride.

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