|9| Beautiful Appearances

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A/N: Recommend reading: Up to chapter 51

"Good evening (L/N)-san." I bowed respectfully to Rui's mother.

She gestured me to come inside and I was quick to comply. I took off my shoes and followed her down the hallway.

As we were getting closer to the living room, I began to pick up on an enchanting melody.

"Your husband plays the piano beautifully." I broke the silence, my words making her stop walking as she turned around to face me.

"That's very nice of you Hanami," she said, her voice as monotonous as Rui's. "But that's not my husband. Rui is the one playing."

I paused. What? It was Rui?

"Oh, I didn't know he played." I blinked a few times in confusion. He never mentioned it...

"Yes, he's been playing since he was very little." She nodded her head, a proud smile gracing her lips.

"Oh, that explains why he's so good at it," I complimented.

I wasn't going to lie, I desperately wanted to get on her good side. If what Rui revealed during the school field trip was true, then that meant his mother was even more intimidating and more difficult to please than him.

"Rui is a perfectionist," she explained, "and I expect nothing less from my son and my family."

I slowly nodded my head in understanding as those red eyes that Rui had inherited stared right into my soul. I gulped. I would have to measure up to her standards. I couldn't mess up now.

"So tell me Hanami, how is your father?"

"Oh, he's doing great." I smiled. "He returned home yesterday and the doctors say he's in a stable condition."

"I'm glad to hear that." She nodded her head. "Well, go on," she ordered and opened the door to the living room.

I was quick to make my way inside, the doors closing behind me with a loud bang, the noise startling Rui and interrupting his piano practice.

"You're early," was the first thing he said.

"Oh yeah, the train arrived earlier than expected." I smiled sheepishly. "I hope it's not an inconvenience though."

"No, it's not," he hummed.

"Oh that's a relief." I sighed as he proceeded to stand up from the piano. "No, no!" I was quick to stop him, "you can keep playing. I don't mind."

Rui stared at me in silence as I awkwardly shifted in my place. He then sat back down and I took a seat on the couch. I occupied as little space as possible, a bit uncomfortable by the whole situation. It was only my second time at his house.

"So, what were you playing?" I cleared my throat.

"A song," he simply said as I sweatdropped.

"I can see that." I rolled my eyes. "I meant which one."

He remained silent, his eyes not once leaving me.

"I was just saying it because I really liked it," I explained. "I think it's the first time I'm hearing it but it has such a sweet melody that I couldn't help but be entranced by it."

After our camping trip, I was quick to realize the way our relationship slowly improved. Granted, he was still his usual cold and apathetic self and we still got on each other's nerves from time to time, but it was a bit different now. Now, we felt more at ease in each other's company.

Our interactions now seemed more sincere and less as a means to keep up with appearances. Not long ago, he even gifted me a beautiful pair of ruby earrings. I was quick to point out how they reminded me of his eyes which had taken him completely off guard as he tossed me the box and looked away rather embarrassed.

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