|11| A New Sister

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A/N: Recommend reading: Up to chapter 52

"Akiro, come to my office after you're finished with your homework," was the only thing Rui said upon entering his son's room.

And just like that, he closed the door and left him to finish his work.

'Why is father always giving me homework?' The six-year-old boy pouted miserably as he placed his head on the table. 'None of my classmates get homework from their parents.'

Once Akiro finally finished doing his usual evening work, which he despised with all his being, he stood up from his chair and went downstairs.

"Yes father?" He entered the office he had lately been spending so much time in. After all, his study sessions with his father were getting more and more frequent.

"Take a seat."

Akiro did as he was told and couldn't help but smile as he got comfortable on the chair he and his father had bought together. The thought of his father having a dedicated space for him in his office made him happy and that was all he needed.

"Is something wrong?" The boy tilted his head in confusion.

"No," was his father's only response.

"So then?" He meekly lifted his gaze to make eye contact with his father.

'I hope I didn't do anything wrong,' he pouted.

"Akiro, you're going to be an older brother."

"I-I am?" The boy had to blink twice in incredulity.


"Am I going to have a baby brother? Or a baby sister?" He shot up from his chair and skipped over to his father's desk.

"A sister."

"That's so cool!" He smiled widely and began eagerly jumping up and down.

Akiro, as opposed to many other only children his age, was quick to take the news with excitement. Not even for a second did he think his new baby sister would ever hog up his parent's attention. In fact, he believed this new addition to the family would radically change his life for the better.

"Will I be able to play with her?" He asked his father, his eyes full of hope.

'I really hope father says yes,' he thought. 'I'm getting so, so bored of always being alone! I never have anyone to play with!'

"As long as you don't get distracted," Rui agreed as his son's big red eyes glistened with joy.

A/N: T_T Akiro and Reader had so much sibling potential

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