|16| And They Lived Happily Ever After

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A/N: Recommend reading: Up to chapter 60

Hanami read her old diary in silence, her brow furrowing the more she thought about it.

She then chuckled darkly and closed the book. She took one last look at it for old times sake before tossing it in the fireplace.

"What a naive little girl you were, Hanami," she mumbled to herself.

Unknown to Hanami, Akiro had just walked by. He watched as his mother then emptied a photo album and threw the pictures into the fireplace. His brow furrowed in confusion. What was she doing?

The black-haired teen didn't know what overcame him at that moment but he found his body moving on its own as he reached for one of the albums without his mother noticing, and swiftly ran upstairs to his room.

Hanami, still downstairs, then focused her attention on the book in her hand.

'101 Princess Stories and Fairy Tales.'

Her eyes lacked any emotion as she remembered all those fairy tales her father had read to her when she was little. That book also contained the last fairy tale she read to her father before he passed away in the hospital. It was also the same book she used to read to (Y/N) every night.


She was just like her when she was younger and she didn't like that thought not one bit. Hanami despised her old self. She despised how naive she had been. She despised that idealistic view of the world she had had. And, right now, she realized she was slowly turning her eight-year old daughter into her old self.

And that was the last thing Hanami wanted. She didn't want her daughter to grow up like her. She didn't want her to always come in second, to always be pushed around because of a lack of resources.

"(Y/N) will come on top," Hanami mumbled as she threw her childhood book into the fireplace and watched the flames slowly consume it's pages.

Her daughter had become a grim reminder of her past but she would make sure to correct it.

A/N: Aaand that's the end of the parent's story :)

Btw, I got to say my favourite chapter to write was "I hope you're happy now" because I love angst XD but my favourite one to read is "An interesting marriage" because it makes me think of what could've been :')

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