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Edie never liked tennis, despite being forced into lessons since the ripe age of 6. She greatly preferred more physical sports, like lacrosse or soccer, as opposed to prim and proper tennis.

Yet, here she was, at the annual mid-summer Outer Banks amateur tennis tournament. Any other year, she would have been in bed with an unfortunate "cold". But due to recent events, she didn't dare protest when the entire Montgomery family hiked their tennis bags onto their shoulders and drove to the country club. 

Georgia was the most excited of the Montgomery clan, as she never failed to remind everyone that she was the reigning North Carolina 13U tennis champion. Of course, daddy's favorite would be playing with Clyde.

Dixie would be playing with her mother, as her boyfriend Brad was still away on business. Margaret knew Dixie was only participating for the open bar, but of course, so was she. 

Much to her relief, Edie partnered up with Anna. She thanked God that Anna's dad was out of town; otherwise Edie would be stuck with her own father's creepy college roommate, Carl. 

"I hate this sport," Edie grumbled while readjusting her ponytail, "Why can't we play, like, soccer or something? I feel like kicking something. Or someone."

"Come on, it won't be that bad," Anna chimed while double-knotting her shoes, "Topper and Kate will beat us first round and then we're off the hook for the day."

Edie scoffed, "Even if we lose there's no way in hell I'm getting out of here. My mom's got me on a short leash. She's not letting me out of her sight."

"Well you had quite the night without her around on Saturday," Anna grumbled, jumping up from the bench. She didn't bother waiting for Edie as she sauntered over to the court to stretch and get the game started.

Edie's cheeks flushed red as her mind was infiltrated with flashbacks from the night at the Kegger, which in turn, reminded her of the other day in JJ's beat-up pick up truck. She could almost smell the rain pouring down, feel the warmth of his flannel, taste his-

"Let's get a move on, Edie!"

Topper's booming voice startled her, shaking her from the unwanted thoughts. Edie jumped from the bench and ran to the court, willing the blush covering her face to go away. She'd gone all morning without thinking about her other half, and she wasn't about to let him ruin her already horrible day. 

"Let's get this show on the road," she feigned a grin.

Kate shot her a weird look from across the net--everyone knew how much Edie didn't want to be there. But regardless, Edie tossed a ball across the net for Topper and Kate to serve. 

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