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"What a great match, Georgie! That last cross-court shot was just picture perfect," Clyde Montgomery praised his youngest daughter as he swirled the celery stick around his bloody mary.

Edie feigned a smile beside her mother, resisting the urge to slump over in her seat and nod off. She hadn't slept more than 4 hours the previous night, and Georgia's post-tournament club dinner was the last place she wanted to be on the island. But she knew she had to uphold her end of the deal with her father, and that meant pretending to be invested in the 13-year-old brat's success. Still, Edie struggled to keep her eyes open. She hadn't been able to sleep for the past few nights; ever since JJ's visit.

Her gut twisted at the thought of that night, and despite the time passed over the past few days, the sensation hadn't subsided. Edie had seen a side of JJ she never imagined existed. His vulnerability, and the ease with which she provided him comfort, terrified her. It scared her shitless, and each night since then, Edie found herself restless thinking about it. His radio silence certainly contributed to her anxiety, as he had left before she woke up and hadn't texted her since.

Needless to say, Edie was not in the mood to hear her family drone on and on about frivolous things. She found herself subconsciously passing the time by watching the condensation drip down her glass of water and peering around the restaurant, a small part of her hoping to catch sight of his tousled blond hair. She knew he picked up shifts on Saturdays, and she hated that she knew that.

"Edith," her father's stern voice snapped her from her train of thought and she jolted in her seat. His eyebrow was raised expectantly and all eyes were trained on her.

"Yes, sir?," Edie stumbled.

He sighed, exasperated, and ran a hand down his face, "I asked what you'll be having. You need to be more aware of your surroundings."

She flushed and her eyes jumped to the menu which she had yet to look over, "Oh, um, I guess I'll get a club sandwich."

"Why don't you get the fig salad?" Margaret Montgomery's voice cut through the air like a knife, "The dress you picked out for Midsummers was a tight squeeze when you tried it on, and I'm not getting you another one."

Edie flushed as her sisters snickered at their mother's pointed insult. She pursed her lips and slumped in her seat with a nod, trying her best to swallow down the lump in her throat. It was at that moment that she caught sight of the dirty blond hair she'd been keeping an eye out for all day. His eyes shot to hers and she held his gaze for a fleeting moment before looking back down at the condensation on her water glass.

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