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According to Urban Dictionary, Sunday Scaries are the phenomenon by which you question your entire existence after a Saturday full of binge drinking. In her 18 years of existence, Edie had experienced a number of Sunday Scaries. But none could rival the torrent of dread, regret, and everything else in between that swept over her when she stirred awake on Kate's couch the morning after her unfortunate blunder in the ocean.

She usually woke up foggy-minded after drinking. But today, the vivid memories flooded her before she even opened her eyes. She could see the vein protruding from Topper's neck as he yelled at the Pogues. She could smell the stale beer spilled down her chest. She could feel the water dripping from JJ's hair onto her face as he carried her limp body to shore.

Suddenly, and all at once, Edie forced her eyes open, letting the harsh light of Kate's living room drown out the onslaught of memories.

Her head lulled to the side as she assessed her surroundings. Topper's zip-up was discarded on the chair across from her, but there was no sign of either of her friends. She lazily glanced at the ticking grandfather clock. 8:03 A.M.

Edie sucked in a deep breath as she reached for her phone, preparing herself for the missing calls and texts from her family. Her brows cinched as she was instead met with an empty home screen. Much to her displeasure, her gut twisted when she didn't find a certain blond-haired Pogue's name flash across the screen. Against her better judgment, she sunk her nails into her thigh, just hard enough to wince. Edie waited a beat, and couldn't help but feel disappointed when the action wasn't returned.

She sighed and tossed her phone aside. Edie stared up at the ornate chandelier dangling above her. She gnawed her bottom lip as she mulled over her options. She could wait for Kate and Topper to wake up. But then she'd inevitably be badgered with questions she didn't have the energy to answer yet. Alternatively, she could walk home, back to the place and people who had sent her spiraling yesterday.

Both options sounded equally treacherous. Maybe she could sneak into her house, just long enough to freshen up. She could figure out the rest from there, Edie decided. The Kook shut out any anxiety-inducing thoughts, and instead focused on her footsteps as she gathered her belongings and crept out of Kate's house.

The beating sun was a welcome distraction as she stepped out into the Carolina heat. Edie moved mechanically along the side of the road, counting her steps in twos. She focused on the crunching gravel beneath her feet, the beading sweat kissing her forehead. Anything to keep the whirlwind of thoughts at bay.

Edie's calculated steps faltered as the Montgomery Mansion came into view. Still, she proceeded toward the ghastly Antebellum home, her head held high by a facade of confidence. She fought to keep her breathing steady as she approached the entrance. Her eyes flicked towards the side of the house, and she frowned upon noticing that her bike was missing from the rack. Strange, she thought to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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