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The rest of the night was a blur.

Edie couldn't feel Anna's firm arm around her shoulder guiding her calculated steps towards the car. She couldn't see Kate drag her boyfriend away from an impending fight. She couldn't taste the metallic bitterness flooding her mouth from biting her tongue. She couldn't hear the Range Rover door slam shut behind her.

Edie could only feel the bitter churn of her stomach. She could only see a mesmerizing ocean blue. She could only taste a burning desire. She could only hear the erratic thump of her heart—or was it his?

The disgruntled girl desperately tried to pull herself back to reality. She counted her steps. Left foot, right foot. She drummed Beethoven against her thigh. Op. 41 No. 2. She took deep breaths. In 4 seconds, out 8 seconds.

Edie paid no mind to Topper's erratic driving that nearly sent her flying out of her seat. The thundering argument amongst her friends was just white noise. Edie wasn't sure how she'd managed to climb back into her room in her vexed state. Or how she'd gotten into bed. She wasn't sure how long she stared at the ceiling above in a state of complete shock. She wasn't sure whether she'd slept at all, or how much time had passed.

Was it all just a fever dream?

Because it sure felt like one as Edie awoke from her restless sleep the next morning.

Her unceasing mind made her head pound. Dark circles graced the underneath of her eyes from a severe lack of sleep. She felt dirty again, like she had to wash away the filth and grime of her own thoughts.

A sharp knock and piercing shout forced her stinging eyes wide open.

"Edie! Dad wants you in his office!"

The tired girl couldn't muster a reply. Her eyes remained trained on the white plaster above as Georgia noisily bounded away from her door and down the hall. She allowed herself to stare into the off-white abyss until her vision blurred and her younger sister's words finally sunk in.

Her dad finally wanted to speak to her.

Edie had nearly forgotten about the blowout with her parents. But in her defense, the past 48 hours felt like an entire week.

She rolled out of bed, peeling her eyes away from the dull ceiling. She ran her fingers through her hair in a lazy attempt to brush the knots out. Edie sluggishly slid her feet into a pair of slippers and grabbed a silk robe to cover up her pajamas. With sleep still clouding her judgment, she didn't bother to brush her teeth or make herself look a little more presentable. Instead, she haphazardly grabbed the information packets Madame had given her the other day off of her desk and headed towards her father's office.

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