The finale

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((yes, everyone, this book has come to an end! I will be deleting the A/N in the book after all this, and I hope everyone enjoyed, I will be making another Aizawa book but this time its going to be more... well thought out than this one, I was only making this one for fun and didn't expect so many people to get so enthralled by it. Thank you anyway! I promise the second one will be better))

Your POV

I feel his arms wrap around me, his face nuzzle into my neck as he takes a deep breath.

"I.. never have trusted someone the way I trust you... I've never felt this kind of connection, where I know you understand me and don't see me as some... weird freak who sleeps all the time" He says, Joyfully but calmly in my ear. I smile knowing that I've made him happy throughout this entire time he and I have been together. My heart skips beats thinking about him, his smile, his scent, looks, just everything... He makes me so happy I don't know how to function correctly other than melting in his embrace.

"You make me feel safe Shota... You make me happy, you really do" I lean my head against his. He takes a deep breath and squeezes me tighter. the warmth in this moment is something I will forever cherish. Our little kitty lily makes her way to us, snuggling into our bodies as well, which makes us both laugh.

"It seems as though someone got a little jealous of the cuddle session huh?" I smirk a bit at the small kitten, as she licks her tiny paw, nuzzling into Shota more. He snickers softly and pets lily lovingly.

"I think she likes me more~ watch out Y/n, seems like you've got competition~" I raise a brow at his statement.

"If you replace me with a cat, Im calling animal control sir-" He laughed and nudged me. After the gentle nudge and us both laughing, we stare into each others eyes and sigh, feeling like the entire world stopped for just a moment, nothing else going on... just him and I alone. this was the life I had wanted all along.. And not even because before meeting him I loved him, But... he doesn't want to use me, he doesn't want to hurt me and he really, truly cares. The more I look into his eyes, the more my soul dances with his, our hearts beating in unison and all our worries and cares drift away. He moves his body slightly and stands.

"I'll be back, I need to use the restroom" he states and walks upstairs, I giggle to myself, knowing what I planted in the bathroom. After a moment, He rushes downstairs with something in his hands, Ah, it was what I left him.

"W-what is this?" He looked both shocked, nervous, and excited. I snicker a little

"Open it~" I say slyly. He slowly does, and his eyes widen, he holds it in his hand and covers his mouth with the other, I see slight tears peaking in his eyes.

"I-is this a joke or?-" I shake my head. telling him its real. He drops the item and rushes towards me, picking me up and spinning us, Kissing me and squeezing me tight. I laugh at his reaction as I also begin to slightly tear up, He chuckles a bit and cups my face with his hand.

"We.. we're going to have a family"

(( I know... its short, im very sorry about that. I will be honest with you all because I believe you more than deserve an explanation... My mentality hasn't been all to well and Ive lost my love for writing... this will not stop me from writing mind you, because I do get moments. I'm starting a new book for mental positivity. It will be for everyone, I will target any situations I can and try to give people hope and make them feel loved no matter the situation going on in your life. watch out for the book and I ask, if you feel as though you need kind words, Please visit it ))

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