Private lessons?!

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(( I keep getting ideas for This book more than my here we go XD uwu))

***To help people out

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last name

H/N = Hero name

~Shouta's POV~

The class was boring, as usual, although the students really seemed like they had potential.

"Heyyyyy Aizawa!!" I'd know that loud voice anywhere...

"what do you want mic?"

"whoaaaa, whats with the cold greeting? Cat got your tongue?" he laughed

I just rolled my eyes walking away from that annoying friend of mine

"but seriously! Principal Nezu wants to see ya!" Mic said from half-way down the hall

What does he want me for? Is something wrong? I groan and shake my head a bit, walking to Nezu's office. I pass a couple other teachers, and a couple students. One of which caught my attention. It was Y/N? what was she doing? I can hear her humming, I didnt know she sang... It's not that bad eith-SHOUTA WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! SHE'S YOUR STUDENT! I snapped myself out of it, heading to Nezu's office... What song was she humming? I knock on the door 

"Nezu sir? you asked to see me?"

"Ah, yes! please have a seat!" he motioned for me to come in, I complied, sitting in a chair.


"No thanks, not really a big tea person" I say looking away a bit.

"Alright, well, I wanted to talk about your students! How are they doing?"

"they're fine, pretty good group this year" I say, which was slightly embarrassing.

"I also wanted to discuss Y/N"

I looked at him, with a vexed look

"what about her?"

"well, she seems to have a quirk that is more mental, just as yours is. I think it would be great if you two started training together!" What was he even asking here? or was he telling me whats GOING to happen...

"so...You want me to train her to fight? Without her quirk, right?"

Nezu nodded, we talked a little bit more about this. I had to make time to train her... Time I could be using to nap, but Nezu doesn't know that.

"Alright... I'll see what She and I come up with, it has to be on her scheduel as well"

After a bit more chatter about nothing really to important, I wasnt really paying attention but that's beside the point; I walked out of his office. So now... I need to find Y/N but not only that, make a time with her where she and I can train together. This is going to be...a pain in the -

~Your POV~

where even is Izuku? He wanted to show me some stuff in his hero notes! We where going to go over them together, and I might even find out some more things about EraserHead that I never knew! I'm most likely way to excited about this; but honestly I dont really care. I started to run down the hall seeing if i could spot Izuku anywhere...maybe he's in th-*BANG* Whoever I just bumped into made a grunt, but still seemed to be standing. Me on the other hand? Right on the floor

"sorry about that! I was looking for-"

"its fine"... That voice? I look up seeing Eraser, did I seriously just run into him....literally. He held out his hand to help me up, I took it hesitantly.

"I was looking for you anyway" he added; helping me to my feet. Am I in trouble? Did I do something? the anxiety of it all started to kick in, but I was pretty good at hiding that.

"what for?" 

"we need to talk about something, more private" He glances over to 3 other students who where listening. Denki, Mina, and Kirishima. Should have known. I nod; as he takes me to the classroom, he was holding my hand. Although it was more-so he was DRAGGING me to the classroom but I'll say he took me there gently

"so-" he began " The principal thinks you and me should train together, privately"

"you and I" I say under my breath, he seemed to have heard me.

"dont get smart with me, I just miss-spoke, thats all" he said; visibly flustered, but trying to hide it behind his scarf

" So, you're going to be training me; after school?" 

"Yeah, since I have a mental quirk, just as you do, I can teach you how to use that with fighting hand-to-hand" He explained, It was so hard to pay attention, his eyes looked like they where shooting into my soul. Not complaining!

"alright, so do we need to make a date?" I said that not really thinking about how that sounded, I heard him snicker a bit.

"I'm training you, not wanting to be with you" he teased. My face lit up bright red.

"No no! thats not what I meant! I-I meant like-"

"I know what you meant, I was just teasing" He said, his slightly sleepy looking expression had a slight smirk to it now.

"and yes, we need to make a 'Date' " He put more emphisis on that last word, most likley to mess with me more. I shake it off.

"how about tomorrow? Im free, would that be alright with you?"

"yeah" He answered with a sigh. So its just going to be me, and him, alone? Oh if my mom finds out i'll never hear the end of it... Lets just hope she never finds out.

"Oh, and, feel free to call me Shouta outside of school, at school, only reffer to me as Mr. Aizawa"

"yes sir!" I can call him by his first name?! Why am I so excited about something that small?

~Shouta's POV~

After the talk with Y/N; I stayed back in the class room. Her reactions to my teasing was adorable... who knew her face could go THAT red? I chuckle to myself slightly.


"GOOD LORD HIZASHI COULD YOU KNOCK FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE?!" He scared me pretty bad there, I just snuggled into my sleeping bag too...I'll get him back for it later

"Sorry!" he laughed "I just seen you smiling and thought it was weird so I came to see what you where smiling at!"

"I was smiling?" I didnt even relize I was honestly.

"Yeah you where!...wait, where you thinking about someone? WAS IT ME?! YOUR BEST BUDDY!?" He asked, this dopey grin on his face. I activated my quirk, wrapping my scarf around his mouth.

"No. Also, if you yell; one more time like that? Im going to throw you out the window..." I remove my scarf from him, and right on que; his dramatic act.

"you wouldn't do that to your best friend would you? your only friend?"

"hey im pretty good friends with Toshinori"

"ARE YOU REPLACING ME?!" I activated my quirk and he covered his mouth real quick.

"sorry" He whispered. He sat next to me, talking about whatever; as I fell asleep. I couldn't care less about what he talked about, I just wanted a nap.

(( HEWWO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL POTATO'S! :3 some of you will be french fries BUT ANYWAY, Thats today's dose of Aizawa! hope you enjoyed, and see you next time I get bored))

{Blinded By Love} Shouta Aizawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now