That Nightmare...

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(( Dont know what to put here, But I feel like updating this soooo Have some Aizawa!~))

*Your POV*

I awoke in Aizawa's arms... I was shaking, afraid, and confused. I look up at the man I was cuddling with, He looked so peaceful and calm. I let out a shaky sigh and hold him, listening to his heartbeat.

His steady breathing and strong heartbeat ringing in my ears calmed my aching heart if not for a moment... I recalled that horrible nightmare and I shiver. Seeing him like that hurt me not only mentally, but emotionally and physically.


I look to my side to see the little kitty, she was curled up right next to Aizawa, her little head poking up, and looking at me.

"Im okay lily, I promise" I smile and she lays back down. That nightmare seemed as though it would replay in my head, over and over, It had me worried..

"mmmm.." I felt Aizawa stir in his sleep, I look up to him, to see him opening his eyes.

"Hey baby~" He mumbled out, his voice very raspy, seeming as though he just woke up.

"H-hey" I said, still a little shaken.

"Whats wrong? You look like you just seen a ghost" He teases slightly, but in a comfoting manner. I shake my head, and dismiss his worry

"Nothing, Its okay, I promise" He didnt look like he believed me, though he didnt press any further questions. He snuggled me close, and runs his fingers gently through my hair.

"The school is letting the students back in, After your kidnapping, they let the school out for a while" He explains, which makes sense why he and I werent going to school.

"Yeah, what will happen with us?"

Aizawa lets out a sigh

"Some people might not approve, but I dont look for approval so that doesnt matter to me, though I know Mic is going to tease the living hell out of me" He lets out an annoyed groan, just thinking about it gave him a headache it seems

I giggle slightly, seeing how annoyed he was, was adorable

"The schools should be starting back in two days, I got that notification from Nezu yesterday" Aizawa continues

"Sooo, it starts tomorrow?" I was slightly confused, He explained it in a weird way-

"No- we go back in two days... I just said that" He snickers at my confusion.

"But you just said-"

"Im tired okay~ I say things when im sleepy~ And honestly, Right now, I just want to cuddle with you, and forget the word exists" He said, resting his hand on my cheek. I smile at him, and he smiles back


I look over and Lily is trying to join us, She seems left out, I let out a little laugh and moved myself, letting her jump on top of Aizawa, and lay pressed against me

"Can It get more perfect than this?" I sigh, feeling content, like that nightmare didnt even happen

"I mean, Maybe it would be nicer hearing little feet running through the house?~" I quickly look up at him when he says that, Did he just say he wants kids?!

"I thought you didnt like children, they're to loud and annoying remember?" He rolls his eyes at my comment

" If I had my own kids, their favorite game would be the quiet game" He chuckles, putting an arm around my waist, holding me close to him, his steady breathing returned to my ears, and he sees me relax.

"Just that quickly huh?~ Im glad I have such an affect on you~" He smirks slightly, looking down at me

"hey, Its not my fault you're comfortable!~" I retort and he laughs slightly.

We stay like this for a while, just holding each other. It seemed like he and I were meant to be together, neither of us got tired of the other, and when we would see each other, the other couldnt help but smile. Our heats beat in tandum as I snuggle closer to him.

"I really dont feel like doing anything today" Aizawa purrs.

"You dont feel like doing anything ANY day" I tease and he makes a "tch" noise.

"That, is not true and you know it" He defends, But I knew better, not that he was lazy mind you- I just know he enjoys relaxing moreso then he likes doing things.

We end up, just laying there, in our little fourt together. Lily by our side, snuggled up to us, and the love we had for each other, layed gently in the air.

(( Hey everyone- so I apologize for not updating- Im kinda stuck on what to write... Maybe you guys could help me?))

{Blinded By Love} Shouta Aizawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now