Lesson Learned!

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(( Hey guys look, found out how to use this stuff 'cause i'm an idiot and didn't see it before XD ANYWAYYYY ONTO THE STORY!!!))

~Your POV~
  Okay, I can do this... I'm just meeting up with Eraser...No big deal right?...Right? OKAY IT IS A BIG DEAL!! I'M FREAKING OUT WAY TO MUCH RIGHT NOW! Deep breaths... I need to calm down, he isn't that scary or intimidating. He's just a normal guy who I happen to have a HUGE thing for but that's fine! He told me to meet him at his house, It was a really nice house actually. It looked very in-tune with nature in a way. Just...Go up and knock on the door...Yep...Right now....Doing it....mhm... I Finally muster up the bravery and go to knock on the door.  

Knock Knock Knock

Man I hope this isn't to early for him... I came here a little earlier than he said, but I just wanna show him I really wanna show him I want to be a hero! The door opens slowly, there he is; Eraser himself. He is dressed in all black, Like usual, his hair was in a messy bun which i liked a lot more than I should have. It seems as though he just woke up, he had coffee in his hand. Or was it tea? I'm not sure.

"Hey, you're a bit early" His voice was deeper than normal, yep he just woke up

"s-sorry if I woke you, I kinda just wanted to show you how much im apart of this... So it's not like you're wasting your time" I say that last part a bit quieter than the rest. He waves his hand in a dismissing motion.

"No no, It's fine" He yawns slightly, moving out of the way for me to enter his home, I happily oblige.

His house was a lit nicer than I expected honestly, very well kept; Nice decorations... Who knew he would be so cleanly? He had a U-shaped couch with the same color chairs off to the side of the couch, all facing a TV. Wallpaper was a darker red with wooden lining at the bottom. Fancy to say the least

"Coffee?" He asked

"O-oh, no thank you."

"what, Dont trust me?" He smirked slightly "I wouldn't put anything other than what you ask in it, kid"

" S-sir it's not that I don't trust you! I just don't really drink coffee, It makes me to hyper" He breathed in deeply, than sighed in a relaxed way.



" My name is Shouta, Shouta Aizawa. You don't have to be so formal with me when we are outside of class." He said sitting down in a chair near the couch, setting his coffee mug down on a coaster (( Cuz he isn't an ANIMAL))

"A-alright...Shouta, What do you plan on us to do today?" It felt weird saying his name like that, but it seemed to make him smile.

"well, we have to get more comfortable around each other... Honestly, more-so of you need to get more comfortable around me" He chuckled slightly, His natural smile was far from attractive, it was perfect.

"Sorry if I come off as to shy-"

"Quit that"

"Q-quit what?"

"You apologize to much"

"sorry- wait thats not... nevermind" He rolled his eyes with a slight smirk at my attempts to form a sentence.

"Alright pipsqueak, Let's get started" D-did...did he just call me pipsqueak? I push that out of my head and follow him to the backyard, It was BIG, very open and beautifully green and lively.

"Do you have any experience in fighting?" I shake my head, He face-palms slightly.

"You are going to be a lot of work. Okay, Just stand still" I did as I was told, him walking up to me

"You're to stiff, Why are you so nervous?" He asked from behind me,  I wonder why i'm so nervous Mr.I like to tease...
He grabbed my arm gently, putting it against my side slightly.

"keep it there" I did so, He also requested for me to stand differently, my legs a little bit apart, one behind me; And to put my body weight on that back leg.

"That position will help you keep balance"

" Good, Because I have the balance of a new born deer" He Laughed a little at my joke, He stood in front of me, But away from me. His body was positioned almost the exact same.

"Make an attack" He ordered, I hesitated but tried throwing a punch. He quickly moved out of the way, grabbed my arm, and pinned me to the ground. My face was mostly in the ground with my arm behind my back.

"You are way to easy to read" He scolded slightly. He got off of me and helped me up.

"Again, Try something different this time" He instructed, so I did. I faked him out with a punch then was able to kick him in the back making him lose balance and fall, He smiled.

"Good, Catch the opponent off guard. This time, I'll be watching for any of your sneaky moves... Come on brat, Lets see just what you can do"

* Time Skip Brought To You By Dad-Zawa*

He and I where a panting mess, we didn't take it easy on each other. He was very fast, but I was smaller than him so it made evading him easier ((Just learned Aizawa is freakin' 6'0 feet tall...holy allmight X3))

"Alright, Now that the hard stuff is done, Lets get down to the nitty gritty of it" He brought me back inside, the nitty gritty was relaxing??

"uhhh... What does this have to do with fighting?" He laughed at my question

"If you fight more with hand- to hand, you need time to let your body rest. We have been outside for about 2 hours non-stop fighting" He looked at the clock, It's already been 2 hours?! Wow... Time really does fly when you are having fun.

"I... Thanks for today" He looked a little taken back, but dismissed it quickly.

"No problem pipsqueak. Say, Have you anything to do tomorrow?"

"No actually, Mina was supposed to go to the fair with me but, she ditched me. She said she was going to a movie with some guy" I shrugged it off slightly

"Do you still have the tickets to the fair?"

"well, yeah bu-"

"How about we go?" He smiled gently after he said that, me on the other hand. I was freaking out internally.

"O-oh! Sure! I'd love to" A wide smile came to my face. He got closer to me, very close.

"And another thing, I caught you staring at me 6 times today. Continue, And I wont only be teaching you how to fight" He purred, Making my face light up

"I'll teach you how to fight blind" He chuckled backing away from me. I covered my face with my sleeves a bit.

"I-I have to go... Don't want mom to kill me, ya know?" My voice was shaky and so was I. He chuckled and opened the door.

"Tell your mother I said Hi, and be good, so you don't get grounded; Than not be able to come over" Wow he sounded like a dad...

~???'s POV~

I see her leave that 'EraserHeads' house... She's weak...and easy to pick off... A sheep in wolf territory... But I can't just Kill Her. No no, I'll Use Her to my advantage... Let's see what will break first... Her body or her mind~

(( Hello all!...well, the little bit of people who actually read this :3 Sorry I haven't updated, I've been slightly busy with...ya know...life, I'll try to update more often. Let me know who you think the mystery person is, in the comments! Alright, see you later my potatoes uwu ))

{Blinded By Love} Shouta Aizawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now