chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. I rolled over to check the time. It read 8:47 am. Jean goes to the gym every morning at 7:00 so he should be back by now.

I got out of bed and looked in Jean's 8 foot tall mirror. I was wearing boxers and a sports bra with my hair in braids to keep my curls from getting to frizzy. I've been too lazy to buy product since I moved, but I was hoping Connie just may have something for my hair, even though that nīgga was basically bald.

I left Jean's room and made my way to Connies. I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

"Connie?" I shouted pretty loud. Still no answer.

I decided to just walk in and deal with the consequence, but found no one in the room. I made my way over to his dresser which has a series of combs, gels, and creams Connie used. I skimmed over the products until I found a bottle Cantu Hair Serum.

Ahhh a man with taste.... or a One Night Stand with taste. I said to myself thinking about how the bottle could be from one of the many girls Connie has slept with. Regardless, I decided to use take it.

Right as I turned around the bathroom door opened, revealing a completely naked Connie.

"Jesus Y/n ! What the fuck are you doing!" Connie shouted quickly grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.

"I was trying to find anti frizz stuff for my hair and you're the only other Blackie here so I just walked in and now you're naked and I feel awkward and I'm gonna go now bye." I rambled on quickly making my way to the door.

"Nah Nah hold on shawty... I know you ain't come in here and take my shit without asking on the second day i've known you. What'd you take?" Connie said

"Cantu.." I said quietly while uncovering my eyes.

"Ahhh yeah Armin bought that for me. God bless him he don't know anything about black men with buzzcuts." Connie said ruffling my hair.

"Anyways... I'm gonna go now. Still feeling awkward." I said even quieter then the last time I spoke.

"Y/n... I've seen the photo shoots you've done for Victoria's Secret. You close to naked next to some dudes who are also close to naked.... and you feelin' nervous around ME?" Connie asked walkinh over to his drawers to pick out what I assumed was underwear.

"I mean i'm flattered you're this embarrassed but cmon now ma."

"Just shut up..." I said slightly annoyed, "... and why were you looking at those shoots." I asked curiously.

"Research purposes." Connie shrugged.

"Pshh whatever." I said walking out of the room.

"Eren its 9 in the morning do we really have to fight about this right now?"
"Mikasa I told you I don't want anything more then sex, and I don't want to discuss anything else about our relationship with you."
"Fuck you. You're such a piece of shit."

The door to Eren's room opened revealing a tall girl with short black hair and big eyes. Her clothes were half on and she had no shoes on.

Shes hot.

"Excuse me, do you have a shirt i can borrow, and maybe some underwear?" She said quietly, she had tears in her soft eyes. This must be the girl that Eren was talking about on the car ride home. Seeing her like this made me even more guilty of what Eren and I did yesterday. It definitely wasn't happening again.

"Of course! Follow me." I said leading her to my room at the opposite end of the hall.

"Here's a big T-Shirt you can wear and some new underwear I haven't worn before. Do you need anything else before you go." I said softly, not wanting her to get more upset.

"No, thank you so much," she said with a smile, the tears seeming to go away, "but what's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Y/n. I just moved here from paris. Jean and I are childhood best friends and I needed a place to stay."

"Ah Jean did tell me about you, he speaks highly of you and now I can see why." She said smiling.

I giggled.

"Well it was nice meeting you, but i'm going to go now, I'll see you around." She said waving bye as she exited my room.


I closed my drawers back up and refolded a few shirts I messed up trying to find Mikasa one. When I turned around I found Connie lying on my bed in a pair of plaid boxers like the ones he was wearing the other day. He was on his phone.

"Jesus Connie what the hell? Can you maybe make a noise so I know you're here next time?" I said gasping, surprised I didn't hear him come in.

"No, the point was to scare you." He said with a grin.

I started at him for a few moments with a disgusted look on my face then turned around.

"Damn what was that for? You don't want me laying in your bed?" He said sounding fake offended.

"As a matter of fact, Corny, I do not."

"Corny? Now you callin' me names shawty." He said pouting, "Anyways, I came in here to tell you that theres a party tonight at Novo and since i'm so very nice, I'm letting you use my plus one. The whole cast is going so I guess it's a good way for you to meet everyone." He said shrugging.

"Sounded good, but why didn't Jean tell me?" I asked a little upset he didn't tell me about the party.

"Because, ya mans is bringing a girl with him." He said smirking. "But don't tell him I told you, he said telling more then one person is bad luck and he doesn't wanna jinx it. I only know because I read that nīggas texts" Connie said smirking.

"You are cruel." I said giggling. I respect Jean's privacy, plus he'll have to tell me tonight so it's fine.

"The party starts at 10 though, so we'll leave here at 10:05. Got it ?"

"Got it."

"Aight. Wear something tight, short, and black, not long and furry or whatever the fuck you wear in Europe, or else you gettin bullied by all of LA, Paris girl." He said walking out the door.

"Fuck off."


"Wait Connie."

"What do you want now?"

"Why'd you invite me and not some other chick... just wondering." I asked curiously, genuinely wanting to know, but not expecting Connies answer.

"Because Y/n, you're interesting and I wanna get to know you better. Alcohol and drugs always help with that," Connie paused.

"... and I guess you're pretty."

and with that, Connie left the room.


Filler chapter!

Things will get more interesting in the next chapter !

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