Chapter 10

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The weeks went on and I barely saw Andy. The last time I did, it was at the clinic at the school almost two months later. I had gone to get cleared from my back but she appeared to be in distress. I didn't bother saying anything to her when she came barreling out of there in tears. I was in my apartment alone when I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered. I should've checked the Caller ID.

"Wes?" Andy's voice called out. Like a sweet siren calling me to my doom. "I need help." All thoughts of what had happened went to the back of my mind. She needed help and help was what she was gonna get.

"What is it?" I asked her softly.

"I messed up, Wes. I messed up bad." She sweetly sobbed into the phone.

"What happened baby?" I didn't even realize I called her that. It just felt right.

"You have to promise me that you won't get mad. It's all my fault, not anyone else's." She whimpered. I sat up in my chair and nodded. Oh, wait she couldn't see me...

"Baby you are scaring me," I replied.

"Promise me, please." She cried.

"I promise. I promise. What happened? What's going on?" I answered trying to rush her.

The line went silent with only her soft sobs filling the air. Then a whimper. "I'm pregnant, Wes." She then started bawling. I grabbed my keys and ran straight to my car.

She's pregnant? With who's kid? Forget that... she needs a shoulder to cry on and it's gonna be me. It should've been me anyway.

I jumped out of my car and ran up to her apartment. I knocked on the door and found it unlocked. When I walked in I found Andy sitting in a ball on the floor crying. She couldn't stop. I slowly bent down and touched her shoulders. She looked up at me, bags had encompassed around her eyes, they were red and bloodshot. Her nose was running and her cheeks were struck with tears. When those crystal eyes looked into my soul, I broke inside. How could I have stayed away for so long? Why was I more concerned about me over her? How horrible of a friend am I?

"Wes..." she cried out very quietly. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around my neck. I slowly lifted her off the floor and she wrapped her legs around my waist. My back had now fully recovered, but no matter what she was light as a feather. When I tried to place her onto her bed she didn't let go and just held on tighter and continued to cry. As much as I wish she were happy, all I wanted to do was hold her.

She has this indescribable power over me. I can't describe it. It's intoxicating how she made me feel when I held her. My angel was in trouble, but my angel wanted me to help. Me. Not Lucas. Not Allie. Not any of her new friends. Me.

Slowly she pulled back from me and looked me in the eyes. "Lucas knocked me up when you caught us. When you fell. When you nearly died." She kept rambling while crying.

"Shhh. It's okay." I reassured her.

"No, it's not okay. I should've been sleeping with you. You were my hero that day. You helped me. You were the one I wanted. Now I'm knocked up with a horrible man's child." She kept rambling on.

"Baby stop. It's okay. I've got you here and I've got you now. Breathe baby breathe."

"Stop saying, baby." She snipped.

"I'm sorry." I looked her up and down and noticed the changed features, her beautiful hair was tied up in a loose bun and her face was completely natural. Her breasts had gotten bigger and she had a small pudge starting to form. I felt bad for her. Lucas is a scum bag who used me for all I was worth and more, I can't imagine how he'll treat this situation. There was only one thing to say. "How can I make it better?"

She made a sad yet relieved face I had asked. "I can't kill this baby, I just can't. What do I do?"

"Well, Emma came into my life in a very different perspective. Emma and I went to school together, but when we met at orientation she was already 6 months pregnant. She said that she was gonna give up the baby when it was born to start her own life, but when she met Calvin... she couldn't bear to give him up. He was her baby, father or no father. She and the father had a very disconnected relationship that was always on the rocks. Emma and I dated until Calvin was about 9 months old, and she left when Malcolm, Calvin's father, came back from Britain." I swallowed. "Sweetheart it's your choice what you do, just keep in mind what this all means for you. I'm behind you 100% of the way."

"Can't you just be my baby daddy, not Lucas. God, you are too perfect." She wiped away a tear for a moment.

"I'm not. I'm not good enough for people. It's just a part of who I am." I sighed. "Andy I've got you. And I always will as long as you'll have me."

She gave a small smile at me until her face fell. "I forgot..." she sighed. "My parents are moving into town in 2 weeks. What will they say?"

"Nothing. They won't say a thing. Cause you will have your loyal and trust worthy boyfriend by your side." I announced.

"Who's that gonna be?" She rolled her eyes at me.

I just stared down at her and pulled her closer. Kissing her lips harshly I think I answered her question. When she kissed me back though, it was like nothing had changed.

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