I'm still alive

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Chell stood up and stretched her aching bones before sighing and looking for her portal gun, she had dropped it on the fall down, hopefully it wasn't broken,  after that she would find the kid and leave this horrible place

She didn't know what she would do once she left but that was a bridge to burn when she came to it

Although she had grabbed that kid she still didn't know why on earth they would be in GLaDOS' chambers, as well as chell knew the big bot (witch was pretty well) she didn't know what reasons the machine would have for bringing that child there

Maybe she was lonely, chell thought,  it was odd to humanize GLaDOS like that but for all she knew it was a possibility,  whatever it was she would get that kid out of there

Now, where was that damn portal gun?


Y/n had absolutely no idea where they were going in the enormous labyrinth that was aperture science, every turn opened a new maze of directions to get lost in

Y/n: GLaDOS! Where are you?!
They yelled in the hope the friendly AI would answer and guide them through this nightmare

Y/n: GLaDOS, I'm scared, I don't know what to do, please...... Don't leave me....

At this a tear slipped from the child's eye, the first of many that day


GLaDOS hated birds, GLaDOS hated chell, she hated Wheatley, hated potatoes,  she hated everything

The one thing she did not hat was y/n, the one of the many things that had been taken from her by the cruel uncaring world

GLaDOS: feather rat, why must you and everyone else torture me so much?

Feather rat: SQWUAK!

It pecked her in the eye and she would have winced if she had a body, but alas she was trapped in this useless starchy prison

GLaDOS: sigh, I'd prefer chells company to yours, at least she's quite

Feather rat: *furious squawking and pecking *

GLaDOS: y/n...... I hope your ok......

GLaDOS began to hum to herself,  that old song that she had hummed to y/n to help them calm down

GLaDOS: I'm still alive

(Alright, fuck yall who will complain about me doing it gender neutral! I'm gonna keep doing it! Y/n is whatever the reader is and that finale,  thank all yall who were so supportive

BTW in my brain y/n always will and has been a girl but I'm putting that aside so that I can make this story for everyone)

Artificial mother (portal x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now