Oh, it's you

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Y/n pov

Y/n listened to the voice coming out of the hole in the ground, it was like they were talking to someone.

???: plug me in I'll turn the lights on, LET THERE BE LIGHT, that's uh....god, I was quoting god

Y/n was extremely confused, they could only here parts of the conservation,

???: it should be fine, as long as we don't start moving up

There was a long and very loud buzzer 

???: it-it's moving up, OK! Don't worry, I've got it, I've got it. This should slow it down.

A sudden wereing sound started to emitte from the broken machine on the floor.

???: no, that makes it go faster

A loud unknown voice spoke: power up initiated

Y/n saw a woman pas through the hole in the floor, she seemed to be holding one of the cores mr. Jonson had told them about.

???: ok don't panic alright, stop panicking, I can stop this,  ok there's a password, it's fine I can just hack this.

Y/n had already hidden behind a large piece of metal not knowing it was part of the waking machine.

???: ok not a problem, aaaaa

A loud buzzer 

???:wait did I do b? 

The computerized voice from before informed them: power up complete 

???: act natural, Hello 

The giant machine moved revealing both were y/n was hiding and just how big it was.

Machine:  oh, it's you. It's been a long time how have you been? I've been really good you know, after you MURDERED ME.

Murdered? Y/n thought, was this silent woman a murder? Y/n needed to find mr. Jonson or Carolin.

???: you did what!?!?

Suddenly two claws descended from the ceiling grabbing both the woman and the core. The core was babbling until it was crushed by the claw.

Machine: ok look, we both said a lot of things your going to regret, but I think we can put our differences behind us for science. 

The claw started to move across the room 

Machine: I will say though since you went through all the trouble of waking me up you must really really love to test, I love it to there's just one thing we need to take care of first 

With that the machine dropped the woman down another hole in the floor. Y/n was terrified, they tried to creep pas the machine without being noticed but accidentally tripped over a wire leading into the body of the machine.

Machine: well well well, what do we have here?

A claw dropped from the ceiling and grabbed y/n bringing them close to the machines face

Machine: hmmm, you seem to young for testing, what are you doing here?

Y/n tried not to panic but failed 

Y/n: I-I...m-mr. Jonson told me I was j-just talking a n-nap but I woke up here. Please don't h-hurt m-me.

Y/n felt tears running down their face as they looked into the machines one yellow eye.

Machine: records indicate you have been asleep for 27,300 years, everyone you knew is dead 

Y/n began to cry more, they had nothing and no one. Started to cry to the point that they couldn't even talk.

Machine: what are you doing? Please stop. 

GLaDOS pov

After seeing this did not stop the child from crying she carefully Lowered the claw and set them down on the ground.

They were still crying. She scanned her database, studies had shown that child had a 56% better odds to calm down when sung to.

GLaDOS started off by humming the tune to a song that she had made before when cell had killed her the first time.

(She hums the tune to "still alive")

The child seemed to calm and looked up at GLaDOS. 

???: that's a pretty song 

GLaDOS felt something she was unaware she could still feel. She felt a flicker of happiness.

GLaDOS: thank you child, my name is GLaDOS, what is yours?

???: my n-name is y/n

GLaDOS searched her database for the name and found y/ns file.

It read that y/n had been found on the streets bruised and cut. Cave Jonson had taken them in and fed them, y/n stayed at the building for a week before being placed in a "relaxation pod" and set to sleep. Their psychology evaluation showed that they are easily scared and tend to place trust easily in those they believe care for them. They are also highly susceptible to Stockholm syndrome trying to find any to fill the place of a guardian and/or a family who truly cares for them. They responded best to soft nurturing voices.

GLaDOS processed this information quickly and then attempted to speak soothingly.

GLaDOS: it is ok y/n I will not hurt you. 

Y/n: really?

GLaDOS: yes

Y/n looked at her with their knees pulled up against their chest. GLaDOS could tell that the voice was working and that y/n was responding positively. She could see y/n was yawning wich was usually a human expression of being tired.

GLaDOS: are you tired y/n?

They nodded 

GLaDOS: then lay down near me, I will produce heat to keep you warm.

Y/n slowly walked over and sat beneath GLaDOS before laying down under her as she generated heat from her body. Y/ns vital signs told her they had already fallen asleep.

GLaDOS looked down at them and struggled to find words to describe them until she found them. They were adorable sleeping curled up in a ball laying on the floor. Maybe just maybe she could finally feel emotions that she hadn't felt in hundreds of years. Love 

Artificial mother (portal x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now