Cant move

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Y/n pov

Y/n was warm, they liked the warmth, it was soothing.

Y/n opened their eyes and looked around, they had almost hoped it had all been a dream.

Y/n looked up at the machine that hung above them

GLaDOS: hello y/n, did you sleep well?

Y/n: y-yeah

Y/n was still intimidated by GLaDOS's large size.

GLaDOS: that is good, a healthy body stats with a healthy sleep.

Y/n smiled, that was exactly the sorta things Caroline usedto say to them when she put them to bed.

GLaDOS had noticed this and wondered what had been uplifting to the child.

Y/n flinched as the wale started to move and change

GLaDOS: Sorry, I'm cleaning up. For your own safety during this proses please remain close to me.

Although this was true it wasn't the only reason she had said that.

GLaDOS: I must attend to my testing for the moment being, please don't wonder off

Y/n nodded and sat for a while listening to GLaDOS. Y/n liked her voice, it was oddly familiar.

After a while of waiting GLaDOS turned to see y/n still waiting.

GLaDOS: are you ok child?

Y/n: y-yeah, I'm just kinda board

GLaDOS processed this and looked for ways children can pass time

GLaDOS: perhaps we can play a game?

Y/n giggled and smiled
Y/n: that sounds nice

GLaDOS: what game would you like to play?

Y/n: maybe tag?

Y/n looked back up at GLaDOS and fround,

Y/n: oh never mind

GLaDOS: why?

Y/n: y-you can't move to play tag

GLaDOS processed this and was at a loss 

GLaDOS: oh

Y/n: to bad, if only you could move, or if their were somebody else their to play with.

GLaDOS thought about what y/n said, she ran the numbers and found an answer.....

(Hello everyone thank y'all for reading please let me know all your feedback and suggestions for the story thanks y'all bye bye 👋 )

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