Wake up

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Y/n pov 

Y/n woke up in their pod. They wondered how long they had been asleep. It couldn't have been that long. Mister Jonson had said they were only taking a little nap. But everything seemed different. Y/n walked over to thier window and moved their blinds to look outside. Everything was different. The sun wasn't visible, the appeared to be suspended far above the ground. Y/n was panicking. What was going on where was mister Jonson , he had acted so kind. Or his assistant carolin.  She had always been nice if a little cold.  They had to find a way out. 

Y/n: HELLO!! Can anybody here me?

They yelled pounding on the door to their room witch was locked. Suddenly the hole room shook and was knocked to the side as if something big had run into it. 

???:oh no, I hit that one

Y/n could faintly hear a voice above them as what ever had hit them kept moving. Good news was the door had been smashed open. The child hopped down to a cat walk that would take them to the right. The followed the catwalk until it abruptly ended in a heap of broken metal. So much for that place y/n thought. 

Being the observant child they were y/n found a vent that's grill had been knocked off . They climbed onto the vent traveling the corridors getting lost very quickly. They kept following the path for what felt like hours. The finally found an opening in the vents that led to another room. Y/n pushed out the vent grill and climbed into the room. The room was big and overgrown with vines, grass and flowers, but what really caught their attention was the giant machine that lay in peace's on the floor. Even if the the machine was broken and off it was incredibly intimidating to the six year old child. Thank goodness this thing wasn't on, y/n breathes out a sigh of relief 

But they were quickly distracted by the sound of a voice coming up from a small tube in the floor. The voice had an accent. Was that British? 

What was going on?

Artificial mother (portal x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now