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(It's been way to [redacted] long since I updated so yeah)

Chell pov

As they fell chell saw the almost silly sight of GLaDOS as a potato, she couldn't help letting out a tiny laugh like sound until she remembered that she was falling quite possibly to her death

She had been ignoring the potato for awhile as she had just been insulting her and now looks at the kid, what the hell were they doing here?

The child reaches over and grabbed GLaDOS holding her close to their body sniffling

She had to admit she felt bad for them, being trapped in this place as an adult was bad enough, as a child would be torture

She looked down and saw that they probably didn't have to much further to drop so she grabbed the child and pulled them to her swiftly holding them tight to her chest so they had no chance of getting hurt

She used her body as a shield as the hit something and her vision went kinda fuzzy, she saw that it jostled the child to making them drop the potato

They yelped our in fear trying to reach for it but chell held them tight and they couldn't reach it

She fell until she couldn't fall anymore and was dazed for a good while

When she came to she saw a big black bird that had the potato, it looks at her with a knowing look then flies away with the potato

Crap, she thought I'm her mind as she put a hand to her aching head

That hurt

She looks down to see the child had been knocked unconscious and she sighs in relief that they were fine and that she still had her portal gun

Wheatley , that little traitor she would incinerate his stupid blue eyeball for this, and call her bossy? He had another thing coming!

Her head hurt like hell
But first maybe a nap

GLaDOS pov

GLaDOS: you stupid bird, put me down!

She yelled at the feathered rat that carried her

GLaDOS: release me!

It didn't listen

GLaDOS; when I'm back to normal I will find you and roast you with fore, then eat you

The bird didn't answer, she of course hadn't thought it would.....obviously

She felt the drop into the nest

GLaDOS: I hate you with the same amount of passion that I hate black mesa with and that's saying something

Feather rat: sqwack

Artificial mother (portal x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now