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GLaDOS pov

It had been a couple of hours since y/n had fallen asleep underneath her. GLaDOS had been spending this time working on her project, she had the top half of the body done but now was working on the legs.

She heard the elevator coming up, she knew it was chell what she didn't know was how she had gotten up hear without Her knowing.

She turned towards the elevator and saw it open. She looked at y/n and realized she couldn't use the neurotoxins.

GLaDOS: no

Wheatley: ello GLaDOS

GLaDOS: what do you want

Wheatley: what I want is to escape, and the only why to do that is to take your place.

Another computerized voice: transfer denied, vocal authentication required

GLaDOS: yes

She said the quietly known that they couldn't do anything without her...

Computerized voice: authentication complete

GLaDOS: no!

She looked so to see y/n look up

Y/n: what's happening?

A button had appeared on the other side of the room.

GLaDOS looked at chell.

GLaDOS: please don't, they need me

Wheatley: we can take them back to the surface.

GLaDOS: noooo

She tried to block chell from hitting the button but chell used the portal gun.

Y/n pov

Y/n watched horrorifide as metal arms reached up and took her head off of the large body

GLaDOS: no no no no

???: quickly plug me in

The murder woman plugged in the core , y/n ran over to the head of GLaDOS tears in their eyes.

GLaDOS's orange eye looked up at them.

Y/n felt arms around them as the woman who had done this grabbed them and pulled them towards the elevator.

The core was saying something but y/n didn't hear.

The elevator started to go up before stopping

???: you know what, what's the big hurry to leave?

Y/n tried to get free from the woman but stopped when the heard GLaDOS scream.

Their was a clang of machine parts and the core that had taken GLaDOS's body pulled out a potato with GLaDOS's eye on it.

Core: could a moron do this

He banged on the top of the elevator breaking it down.

Core: I'm not a moron!

GLaDOS: yes you are

He banged on the elevator so hard it broke and they all fell

As they fell they got away from the woman but they were falling down a hole.

GLaDOS: so how are you doing? Because I'm a potato

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