1. pain

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𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧



That's the first thing she registered when she woke up. It's the only thing she had felt for nearly two months now. The throbbing in her head continuous. Her vision hazy, blurred by the blood on her brow, dripping onto her eyelashes. She flinched at the sound of a metal door creaking open. The heavy footsteps grew closer. Her head still tilted down to avoid the bright fluorescent lights. She jerked as she sat strapped to the chair. Day 14? Day 13? she wasn't sure. "Look who's awake, finally." The black boots came into view as the doctor stood before her. "Please let me out." she whimpers. The words rehearsed and over used. "You know the rules. You stay here until you can summon indoors." She shook her head, desperation evident in her voice. "I can't."


She felt it on her cheek where he had slapped her. He tilted her chin up and she came face to face with the same man who had left her here for the past few days. Wolfgang Von Strucker. He forced her to look into his eyes. She held his gaze weakly. "I'm going to send in Charlie, pray he goes easy on you. If you can't fight him with your power you will not be let out." He released the hold on her face roughly. She didn't say anything as he walked out of the small empty room again. She waited for Charlie. He would arrive any minute now, with a new method of torture. The door creaked open once more. Charlie. He walks around her slowly like an animal stalking it's prey. Charlie bends down his scruff rubbing against her cheek as he gets close to her ear. "Сегодня день, когда я тебя сломаю." Today is the day I break you.


Charlie was gone. He left about 2 hours ago. She was still crying. The screaming had stopped 30 minutes ago. Her leg propped up on a chair at a weird angle, the gash running along her shin bleeding profusely. she wanted the pain to stop. She knew this was her doing. She simply couldn't get her powers to work. That was nobodies fault but her own.


The last thing she felt before drifting off to sleep.

»»————- ★ ————-««


You guys don't understand how excited I am for this new book! I already have like 15 chapters written and that's including some from the second book! I know there isn't much writing in this chapter but then again it's the prologue. It's still in the editing process so I'm sorry if it keeps updating :)

[Word Count: 467]

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