8. final goodbyes

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𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧


The bots continue to run full charge at Wanda and Mila. Their powers mixed together fending them off one by one. Wanda as the first line of defence as Mila circled, killing any stragglers.

It wasn't long before they would have to get off the island. Pietro had promised them he would grab them in time, it was Wanda that needed to be taken by foot. Mila could fly. She could only hope Pietro would arrive soon.

The bots seemed to be doubling by the minute. A rain of gunfire was heard from afar but Mila payed no mind to it until Wanda froze beside her. Mila checked to make sure she was okay, but before she could ask her Wanda fell to her knees in anguish. A scream rippling from her throat as her powers burst around her.

Mila stood frozen in horror at her sisters reaction. Once her powers faded Mila ran forward to Wanda. "What is it? What's wrong?" fear evident in her dark blue eyes. One name slipped past Wanda's lips.


Mila understood right away. Her eyes flashed with grief as her world crumbled around her. A she let out a scream of rage mixed with grief. Destroying any bots in her line of sight. Another cry erupted from her sending jolts of movement through the land. Wanda was gone in an instant, rushing to find Ultron.

Mila stood frozen in place after letting her screams loose. Now she was simply stunned.

"Mila?!" she looked up at the sound of her name. Steve was running towards her at full speed. "We need to go now!" Steve scooped her up into his arms and ran back to the hovercraft, it was obvious she would not move on her own.

"Vision will get Wanda." He reassured her before she could ask. Mila nodded numbly, starring off into space.

When they reached the craft Steve put her down, letting her stand on her own. "Stay here, I'm going to check for survivors." Steve told her, the information was useless to her. She nods and moves to the middle of the craft slowly.

All around her people are scattered. Some with barely any injuries and some beyond saving. Mila walks towards Clint who is sitting up on a bench looking down at the floor.

She walks around the bench to see it was not the floor he was looking at, but her own brother. A gasp escapes her mouth as she runs forward to him.

Bullet holes litter his chest and he lays still, unmoving on the cold metal floor. She clutches his hand in hers. "No, No, No," she mutters the words like a mantra. "Pietro?" her hands run through his hair softly.

"Please, родной брат, родной брат, родной брат*. Please." She starts to sob heavily now.

Refusing to let go of his body as she rocks him back and forth. Mila's sobs grow quite as she continues to hold him. Vision brings Wanda to the craft and she is quick to make her way to Mila and Pietro.

Mila slowly stands from his body not being able to look at him any longer. Before she leaves she presses a soft kiss to his forehead, "Я люблю вас+"

»»————- ★ ————-««

Wanda was quick to get back to life after Pietro, choosing to ignore her grief rather then dwell on it like her sister choose to do. It took days to get Mila to eat and drink properly, weeks for Steve to get Mila to leave her room, and months to get her to train again.

The death of her brother striking her down every time she attempted to get back up. Some nights Steve would find her watching footage of them from S.H.I.E.L.D files just to see him alive in the moment again.

Most nights Steve would bring her a cup of tea and a blanket then would sit on the couch with her until she expressed her feelings.

He soon realised the reason she allowed him that close was so he could fill the void that Pietro had once filled. He never complained and took the role of being her false brother for the time being.

As she slowly moved on from the depression stage of grief Mila and Steve's conversations shifted to accommodate what ever ailed Steve as well.  They become pillars for the other to lean on.

Mila aided in helping Steve search for his lost friend Bucky, she got to know Sam through this activity and the two got along rather well.

While Mila continued to adjust to her new life with the Avengers, Wanda grew closer and closer to the android of the group. Mila always teased Wanda about it and swore that Pietro would thoroughly disagree with their relationship.

It didn't take long after that for Mila to join them on missions and soon life began to move forward.

»»————- ★ ————-««


*родной брат = Brother

+Я люблю вас = I love you

This chapter was a lot shorter then my others ones mainly because I kind of wanted to move on from Age of Ultron because I feel like I've dragged it on for too long. I don't really want it to be about Age of Ultron, this was just an introduction to Mila and her relationship with Steve and Wanda. And who would want to drag on Pietro's death, it hurts too much.

Who's ready for Bucky and Mila to meet!!!

[Word Count: 939]

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