15. shuri and her technology

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𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫


Mila sat cross legged on the floor of Shuri's lab. "My brother will be arriving soon." Mila looked up at Shuri from her book in her lap. "Can I come?" Shuri nodded but didn't verbally respond. Shuri's Kimoyo beads light up, "My brother has landed. Let's go."

Mila places her book on a table in the lab. She follows Shuri through the lab, they pass the higher level and pass by a closed glass case, Bucky. Mila slows her pace as she walks by then she speeds up trying to reach Shuri. "You said he'll be taken out in a week or so right?" Mila asked the young scientist. "Missing your white boy?" Mila chuckled, "I guess you could say that."

Eventually Shuri and Mila make it to the landing pad at the royal palace. Ramonda is already waiting there flanked by Ayo and the Dora. Okoye, Nakia, and T'Challa exit the RTF and Nakia bows her head. "Queen Mother . . . Princess . My comfort for your loss." Ramonda nods her head gracefully. "Thank you, Nakia. It is so good to have you back with us." Nakia nods. Okoye turns to Ayo. "Take her to the River Province to prepare her for the ceremony." "Yes, general."

Nakia passes by Mila but stops in her tracks. "I don't believe we've met before." Mila stickers her hand out Nakia a hand shake which Nakia takes. "Mila Maximoff, pleasure to meet you." She smiles at Nakia and the smile is returned. "Nice to meet you too." Ayo comes closer to Nakia signalling that it is time to go. Ayo walks off with Nakia while Shuri watches closely.

Shuri turns to Okoye. "Did he freeze?" "Like an antelope in headlights." Shuri laughs at this, T'Challa seems less then please. "Are you finished?" Okoye slams her spear into the ground, signalling the rest of the Dora to follow her off.

T'Challa turns to Shuri . "So surprised my little sister came to see me off before our big day." Mila smiles at the sibling interaction. "You wish. I'm here for the EMP beads, I've developed an update." "Update? No, it worked perfectly." Shuri shakes her head. "How many times do I have to teach you, just because something works, doesn't mean that it cannot be improved." T'Challa teasingly says, "You are teaching me, what do you know?" Shuri holds out her hand and T'Challa drops the beads into her hand. "More than you."

Shuri heads off, grabbing Mila's hand to bring her back to the lab. Mila turns to give T'Challa a quick wave which he returns before shouting "I cannot wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremonial outfit." Shuri flips him off. Some how Ramonda knew she flipped him off. "Shuri!" she reprimands. Mila smiles at this. "Sorry mother."

When Mila and Shuri arrive back at the lab, Shuri gets to work on the Kimoyo beads right away. "Anything I can help with?" "Not right now." Mila nods and grabs her book from earlier. She settles into her spot on the floor and begins reading again. "Oh! I've been meaning to ask. Do you think I could test your powers?" Mila looks up at Shuri. "Sure, how would we do that?" Shuri seems excited by this.

"Well, we could start by seeing which physical materials you can manipulate. Then move on to things like, temperature, air, and anything else." "You've been thinking a lot about this." Shuri shrugged. "It is not often one has the opportunity to study an enhanced individuals power." "Fair. When do we start?"

"After we get that friend of yours fixed. I've figured it out and he will be taken out of the freezing in a few days to start the process. I'm going to have Ayo test the activation words." Mila is eager to help. "What about me?" "What do you mean?"

"Why don't I test it? I have the power to keep him at bay should the situation go bad." Shuri seemed to be debating her options. "Okay, you can help. There is no guarantee it will work." "That's fine." Mila nodded.

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