2. hydra base

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𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧


"Does anybody have a visual on Strucker?" Steve Rogers voiced into his ear piece. The super soldier stood at the base of the Quinjet. "No, nothing yet." Natasha Romanoff replies, she's leaning against a pillar near the front entrance of the building. "I don't think he's here." Steve shakes his head. Tony Stark flies low over the building scanning for any heat signatures. "I've got a heat signature in the fourth sector, is anyone close to there?" 

"Yeah, I'm here." replies Clint over the coms. 

Clint jogs lightly into the hallway on his left just as AC/DC begins playing in his earpiece. "Sorry guys, got a bit too quite for me." He hears Tony say through the speaker, "Can you play the thunder song next?" Thor replies from somewhere in the sky, within a second the song switches to Thunderstruck. 

Clint turns a corner on his right coming face to face with a big H.Y.D.R.A agent with two charged batons at the ready. "Oh hey," Clint says smirking, he runs at the man initiating a fight. 

Clint reaches back taking out his bow. He takes a swing at the man making contact with his jaw. The H.Y.D.R.A agent swings his baton and Clint ducks before sweeping his legs under the man before him. The agent hits the floor with a thud and Clint is quick to use the moment to take his batons away. 

He places his foot on the man's chest, batons pointed at him. The agent makes a grab for his ankle but Clint smacks him across the face with the baton, rendering him unconscious. "Stay down." He points them at him again before dropping the weapons. 

"Am I clear in this area?" Tony is about to reply but cuts himself off, "Nat, I think there's someone here. I'm down the hall to your left." Standing from her spot against the pillar Nat breaks out into a jog, "Yeah, I'm on my way." 

Natasha turns the corner to see Tony standing in front of a large metal door. "The heat signature isn't strong but it's there." Tony reaches forward with one arm, shooting his blaster to break the lock. 

The door swings open slowly and Tony steps in first. 

The lights in the small room are bright and it takes a second for the two to adjust their eyes. "Who is that-" "She needs medical attention right now." Tony moves forward quickly to reach the girl in the centre of the room. 

Her blonde hair hangs low over her face, covering most of her bruising. Her leg propped up on a old metal stool. She looks no older than 26. "J.A.R.V.I.S check her vitals." Tony instructs his A.I. "I detect a heart beat, she's alive but needs immediate medical attention. Shall I inform doctor Banner to prepare the jet?" J.A.R.V.I.S asks. "Yeah... Nat I need you to to get everyone back on the jet." Nat nods, quickly untying the girls hands before running off in the direction of Clint. 

Tony hooks his hands under her legs and back lifting her carefully. Once he's holding her securely he walks out of the room to the nearest exit. Tony lands beside the Quinjet with a thud. 

Steve runs out taking the young girl in his arms. "Who's this?" "No idea." Tony responds, "Found her tied up to a chair, it looks like she'd been there for a while." Steve nods bringing her into the Quinjet. 

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