11. rescue mission

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𝐂𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐫


Mila saw the news, now she's just waiting for the phone call. Less then a second later her phone rings. It's Steve. "Where do you need me?"

»»————- ★ ————-««

Mila and Steve walk around Bucky's apartment slowly, observing their surroundings. There's a mattress with disheveled covers and various bits of cheap looking furniture. The kitchen and bedroom are in the same room. Steve finds a notebook on top of the fridge, Mila walks over to peer into it. There are tabs of varying colours sticking out from amongst the pages. "Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces, approaching from the south." Sam speaks through the comms. "Understood." Steve replies quietly.

Mila feels a presence behind her, she turns slowly in sync. A man with shoulder length hair and light scruff stands before them, he has soft attractive feature that make him easy on the eyes. A red cap adorns his head. "Do you know me?" Steve asks him. Bucky stares at him for a moment before responding. "You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." "They've set the perimeter." Sam speaks to them again.

Mila studies Bucky carefully, taking in his posture and body language. He's guarded but not poised for attack. "I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." "I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." "They're entering the building." Sam warns them.

Mila chooses this moment to speak up. "Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Bucky finally looks at her. He gives her the once over and it's clear her doesn't deem her as a threat.

"That's smart. Good strategy." Mila felt a twinge of sadness at his words. This was just a broken man who needed a break. "They're on the roof. I'm compromised." Sam voices to them urgently. "This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck."

"It always ends in a fight." Bucky argues with Steve. "5 seconds." "You pulled me from the river. Why?"  "I don't know." "Now is not the time to be asking those questions." Mila reasons with Steve. " 3 seconds!" Sam shouts. "Yes, you do." "Breach! Breach! Breach!" Sam alerts them like an alarm clock. A grenade crashes through the window. Bucky kicks it to Steve, and he smothers it with his shield. Risky.

The cop slams the battering ram against the door. Bucky shields himself and Mila with the mattress against an attack from the window. He blocks the door with a table as cops swing in on cables. Steve pulls the rug from under a policeman, sending him flying. Mila slams air against another one, knocking him down.

Bucky slams another policeman into the wall. "Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone!" Bucky slams Steve down and punches a hole in the floor right beside his head. "I'm not gonna kill anyone." he retorts. Bucky grabs a backpack from under the floorboards and throws it out of the window.

Mila and Steve get behind Steve's shield to avoid gunfire. Bucky shoves Steve and he knocks a cop over on the balcony. Bucky holds up his metal hand and repels bullets, then slams a cop into shelves. Bucky runs out the apartment and Steve follows. Mila runs for the window and jumps, landing softly on the building beside the one she was in.

Bucky then tumbles onto the lower roof of the neighbouring building as well where he finds his backpack. he picks it up and runs right past Mila who stares stunned at him.

A muscular man clad entirely in black, Black Panther, slams into Bucky from behind, knocking him down. He has a full face mask with pointed ears. Mila yelps in surprise but then dives for Bucky to help him. Black Panther extends his fingers and sharp claws pop out. He attacks Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes. Bucky fights back but is kicked into a wall. Black Panther swipes his claws and spins gracefully. Bucky narrowly avoids being slashed, he holds up a metal bar to protect himself.

Mila uses her powers to sweep the Black Panther away from Bucky, careful not to cause him too much harm. "Sam, southwest rooftop." Steve calls through the comms. "Who the hell's the other guy?" "A cat. I can only assume." Mila jokes, as she struggles chase after Bucky. Mila ducks though when a soldier fires a machine gun from the chopper. The ammo bounces off Black Panther's armoured suit as he pursues Bucky again. "Sam." "Got him."

Sam flies down and shoves the chopper off course. Then swoops towards street level. Bucky breaks free from his attacker, slings his bag on his back, runs and jumps down a level. Black Panther slides down the wall using his claws for traction.

Bucky lands at street level and the chase continues. Mila flies down following the chase carefully, throwing Black Panther off course when she can. Gunfire from the chopper tears up the sidewalk. Bucky jumps down through an opening and lands in an underpass, he runs through the traffic. Black Panther, Mila and Steve drop down and chase after Bucky. A Special Forces Vehicle pursues them.

"Stand down! Stand down!" The driver shouts through a megaphone. Mila narrowly avoids getting hit and continues to pursue Bucky. "Sam or Mila, I can't shake this guy." "Right behind you." Sam replies. Mila is still solely focused on Bucky. Bucky reaches a fork in the road and faces oncoming traffic. He leaps over a barrier.

A motorbike speeds towards Bucky. Mila watches in awe as Bucky grabs the handlebar and spins the bike around in mid air, throwing the rider off. Bucky gets on the bike and rides away sending cars careering out of the way. They all rocket through another underpass. Black Panther catches a ride on Falcon's leg. Sam tries to kick Black Panther away.

Bucky throws a sticky bomb and blows up the roof at the end of the underpass, bringing down tons of rubble. Mila narrowly misses it and continues her hot pursuit. Black Panther leaps off from Falcon and throws Bucky off the motorbike.

Steve swerves the 4x4 through the rubble, leaps out and pulls Black Panther away from Bucky in a last ditch attempt to save him. Steve stands, facing sleek and muscular Black Panther. Armed police arrive and surround them, guns aimed. Mila surrenders lowering herself beside Steve.

Rhodey leaps down from above and raises both hands. Aiming at Steve and Mila.  "Stand down, now." Bucky stands beside Steve who puts his shield on his back in surrender. "Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal."

Police move in and force Bucky to his knees roughly. "Hey be care-" Mila is cut off as a collar is wrapped around her neck. "What the hell is this?" "Safety precautions Mila." Rhodey tells her. Steve steps up. "You know she won't try anything. Take it off." Rhodey sighs but nods to the officer who put it on her neck. The device is removed and Mila breathes a sigh of relief. 

Black Panther retracts his claws and pulls off his mask revealing his face. It's Prince T'Challa of Wakanda. Steve, Mila, and Rhodes look curious."Your highness." Rhodey nods to him.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Soo.... Mila and Bucky have finally met. Nothing much has happened yet but it's getting there!!

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[Word Count: 1268]

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