14. wakanda

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𝐂𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐫


Mila locks her gaze with the young girl, she has similar features to someone who was after her not so long ago. "Are you by any chance related to Prince T'challa?" Mila asks the young scientist.

"He is my brother. My name is Shuri." Mila nods her head slowly. "Um... last time I checked he was actively trying to kill me. Where is he at these days?" "Do not worry, my brother is not after you anymore. Thanks to your good friend Zemo." Mila let out a sigh of relief.

She goes to sit up expecting to feel the pain in her abdomen but finds a simple dull ache. "How did you-" "Magic." "What?" Shuri chuckles. "I'm just kidding. Science." Mila takes in a deep breathe. "Thank you." Shuri nods, turning to begin checking Mila's vitals. "Your friend is here." Mila looks over at Shuri. "Who?" "Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes." "Oh?" Mila frowns for a minute.

"What happened?" "I don't know much but they brought you in and said you had lost a lot of blood and passed out. My brother found them in Siberia, when he found our fathers killer." Mila nodded slowly, not a subject she thought she should dive into. "May I see them." Shuri nodded shutting of her computer screen.

"They are just upstairs, follow me." With a skip in her step Shuri began walking up the winding walkway. "Come on." Mila stood quickly, rushing to follow her. Shuri brought her to a room covered in screens, monitoring what looked to be a human anatomy. The name James Barnes, floated above the figure.

Mila looked over to see Bucky sitting on a table his metal arm missing from its place. Steve stood in front of him looking around the room.

"You sure about this?" "I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing . . . for everybody...." He trails off as he notices Mila standing quietly off to the side.

"Feeling better?" Mila looked up from where she was staring intently at the floor. "Oh, yeah. You?" He shrugged, "I've had worse days." Steve turns to Mila and walks over. "You okay?" "Yeah, just a little confused, I'm sure you can catch me up to speed later." Steve nodded then turned back to Bucky who was getting strapped into Cryo.

"You gonna stay with him?" "I can't... I was hoping you could. You'd be safer here anyway." Mila nodded carefully weighing her options. Wakanda was her best bet. "I'll stay." Mila looked back over at Bucky as ice slowly encased him once more.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Steve and Mila stand together staring through the window looking out at the mountains of Wakanda, T'Challa walks towards them. "Thank you for this." Steve says to him once he notices his presence.  "Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace..." "You know, If they find out he's here with Mila. . . they'll come for them." Mila tried to push the thought back. "Let them try." T'challa states.

»»————- ★ ————-««


Like I said, super short chapter. Buttt... We are soooo close to Infinity War I can smell it. Lol.

[Word Count: 576]

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