Chapter 14/Not Again!

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(Janice Gilpin POV)
I opened the door to my house I walked to my sons bedroom I noticed Spencer playing video games with his grandfather. "Are you guys having such a fun time?" I asked him from his bedroom door that's when he replied," Yes I'm having so much fun mom. Also, by the way later this afternoon I'm going to Nora's with my friends if that's alright with you." I nodded my head," It's perfectly all right Spencer I'll just leave you two alone then."

I made my way to the kitchen when I began hearing this weird sound coming from the basement. I walked downstairs rather slowly when I finally discovered it was just the damn heater acting up yet again. I walked back up the stairs to the kitchen when I noticed my dad trying to make some breakfast." Dad I can make you breakfast why can't you just relax and watch something on the television?" I wondered in a questioning remark that's when he looked at me in utter disgust," I can make my own breakfast thank you very much for the offer but that's a no since my hip surgery you think I'm unable to do stuff." That's when I just left my dad making his own breakfast for himself since he liked doing stuff for himself rather than being cared for. I was thinking to myself when Spencer interrupted my thoughts," Mom what in the heck is that loud sound coming from?" He wondered. " It's just the damn heater yet again like seriously? Why is it always acting up?"

"Maybe you should call a heater repair man or something similar to that well I better be off I don't want to be late to Nora's with my friends." That's when Spencer left and I called to him," Have a great time!"
-A Few Minutes Later-
I called the heater repair man about ten minutes ago. My dad was eating his breakfast which he made himself, that's when someone was at the door. I opened the door and standing before was the heating guy," Why hello ma'am my name is Winston you're the one that called about the heater correct?" I nodded my head."Yes I called about the heater why don't you come in? The heater is in the basement." Winston walked into my house while walking downstairs to the basement I was following closely behind him. We both were downstairs when I heard the sound of drums, What the hell is that?? Maybe it's just my imagination or it might just be the damn heater. "Ma'am what is that?" Winston said about the video game system,"That's just my sons video game system it's pretty old can we just talk about the heater?" That's when I heard the sound of the drums yet again and Winston touched the video game system and was screaming while getting sucked in," Help me!! I don't know what the hell is happening but help me!!" I was in utter shock What the hell was happening?! Why was Winston getting sucked into the game!! I was about to say something that's when he disappeared into the game. What should I do now? How was I going to save the heater repair man?? What even was this video game system! I definitely had to alert Spencer and his friends before anything awful happened!
(Bethany POV)
I was heading out of the house when my mother called my name." Bethany may I please have a word with you before you go to Nora's with your friends?" I nodded my head while walking in her direction." What's up mom?" That's when she looked at me with a smile," I'm very happy that you're in an amazing relationship with someone that you adore you're a such a strong beautiful young woman that deserves the world. I just want to let you know that I'm here to talk, you can tell me anything you don't have to be afraid do you understand?" I nodded my head with a smile." I already know that mom I love you so very much I'll see you later tonight." That's when we both hugged and she told me to have a wonderful day with my friends. I headed to Nora's in my red jeep thinking about seeing my friends yet again.
(Janice POV)
I walked upstairs noticing my dad slowly still eating his breakfast from earlier today I was in still complete and utter shock What the hell was I going to do? So many thoughts were running through my mind. That's when I came to a conclusion that I'll just call Bethany's mom Scarlett Walker to make her understand so she won't be the only parent to actually witness getting sucked into a video game. I had Scarlett's phone number in my phone in case of emergencies I dialed her number and my phone was ringing that's when I heard her much familiar voice." Hello this is Scarlett Walker how may I help you?" That's when I had a smooth calm voice," Hello Scarlett Walker this is Janice Gilpin Spencer's mom I was just calling you because there was a incident-" that's when she was cut off with anger of Scarlett's voice," What incident happened? Is my daughter all right?" She said rather loudly. " Yes you're daughter is perfectly alright I just wanted to discuss something that happened an hour ago in my basement would you like to hear? Because I have nobody to talk to I only have you Scarlett will you please help me?" I said in a rushed scared tone.

"Well if it's such a big deal tell me everything that happened in your basement Janice." That's when I exhaled the breathe that I was holding from fear." My day started off wonderful that's when I went downstairs hearing my awful heater acting up and making this awful dreadful noise my son Spencer was going to Nora's with his friends Bethany, Martha, and Fridge. That's when I called a heater repair man and his name is Winston he seemed liked such a nice gentleman but when we made it downstairs I started to hear these drums it definitely wasn't the heater but something else." That's when I paused pausing for breathe to flow through my nostrils and I began my story." I stopped hearing these drums and began hearing them again when we were downstairs and Winston was talking about my son's video game system and I was like it's pretty old that's when he touched the game system and he began screaming help me!! And before I new it the heater repair man Winston got sucked into the video game and disappeared I didn't know what to do so I just called you."
(Scarlett POV)
What in the actually hell?! This whole time Alex and Bethany were telling the truth and I didn't believe them?! When Janice Gilpin explained her whole story I was in utter shock." That is so very scary Janice I could never witness that ever! But my daughter is dating Alex correct and they both told me they both went to this place called Jumanji and I didn't even believe them till' I got a call from you and I don't know what to do!!" I told her with shock in my tone. "Well Scarlett I never knew about this Jumanji till' you told me about it I've heard of it. I just wish that Spencer was close to me you know? I feel very disconnected" that's when I nodded through the receiver." Yes I completely understand Janice. I wish for Bethany to be connected to me as well. Do you have a plan?"

"Yeah I guess we should find out more about this Jumanji and what happens in this game. We should definitely find someone that was in the game except our children, could you think of anyone?" That's when my thoughts thought of Alex Vreeke. "Janice I have an idea of whom to talk to it can be Alex Vreeke since he's been missing for the past 20 years suck in the world of Jumanji he definitely has some experience." That's when Janice and I finally agreed on our plan.
(Bethany POV)
I walked into Nora's while smiling with complete happiness to see my friends. When I walked inside I saw my friends waving at me with utter happiness. That's when I made it to my team," Hey guys I'm so glad I could make it." That's when I hugged everyone with complete love. "Yo I can't believe y'all are here it just feels like yesterday we were in Jumanji for the second time and I would never want to return to that dreadful place man where I eat cake and just blow up." That's when we all laughed especially me." Can't y'all stop laughing it ain't funny how would you feel if you ate a delicious cake and then WHAM!! You blowed up! It's not even funny!" That's when Fridge began to laugh, I loved being here with my friends. That's when the owner Nora Shepherd greeted us with open arms." Welcome to my restaurant what would everyone like to have?" -A Few Minutes Later- Nora taken our orders I just wanted to eat something really sweet so I just chose cake along with Martha and Spencer but on the negative side since we returned from Jumanji Fridge has been avoiding cake. Since, he didn't want to experience getting blown up anymore. My friends and I left Nora's in utter happiness that's when we noticed something different it was a sound of something." Yo what the hell is that?" Fridge said in a curious tone that's when all of a sudden we all saw the ostriches from the game of Jumanji. What the hell is happening?! "Hell man! I don't want this to happen again!!" Fridge proclaimed that's when my friends and I ran for it.WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?! Thoughts were flooding through my mind. I could hear the sound of the drums yet again not again!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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