Chapter 9/Going Back into Jumanji

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(Bethany POV)
Alex and I were in Spencer's basement figuring out about the game system that's when he touched it and all of a sudden we both were getting sucked into the game. That's when we were both in Jumanji and I   finally noticed Alex's appearance of Seaplane McDonald and that's when I've finally discovered that I was a horse by the sound of myself talking."Bethany! You're a horse!" Alex told me rather surprised.That's when we made our journey to save my friends.
*The Next Level/ When they meet their friends*
Alex and I bought clothes for the team which it was clearly rather chilly in the mountains.That's when they all saw us with a surprised look in their eyes with so much happiness,"You guys made it I'm so glad!" Martha exclaimed. That's when we gave the items of clothing to everyone and we went over everything since I was still a horse I didn't fully understand what to do that's when Fridge aka Professor Shelly Oberon interrupted my silence,"Bethany! Martha and I discovered this water whenever you enter it you switch bodies that's what Martha and I experienced today."That's when I had a thought and I began talking as a horse,that's when Milo heard me since he could talk to animals." Guys...Umm Bethany is saying.....that she has an idea,"He said rather slowly and began talking,"That we should all go into the water and switch bodies."Milo finally finished talking which felt like a hundred years and it now ended which was a great thing.

Grandpa Eddie,Milo,Spencer,Martha, Fridge,and myself finally got out of the water and we were all walking in a row I was so thankful to have my team again. That's when my friends and I planned on how to steal the Jumanji amulet from Jurgen the Brutal."I'm going to check on Milo," Grandpa Eddie said that's when he walked away and he disappeared into the distance.
(Alex POV)
I walked away from the group feeling something wasn't right just leaving Grandpa Eddie all alone while visiting Milo I wasn't that far from him when I saw that Eddie and Milo getting taken by guards of Jurgen the Brutal,where were they taking them? I should clearly let the gang know right at this very second.That's when I rushed very quickly and began blurting it all out,"Guys! They took them!"I said out of breath,that's when Fridge looked utter confused,"What do you mean Alex."That's when I told my group of friends if you could call it that since I was a full grown man hanging out with a bunch of teenagers in a video game which was pretty insane! But when I told them the dreadful news they prepared a plan which would clearly work to save them."Hey guys! Martha and I work worked over the plan and well Bethany and Fridge have to get into the Jurgen the brutal fortress, while Ruby Roundhouse are clearly going to save Grandpa Eddie and that Leaves Alex to rescue Milo,do you guys understand?" We all nodded our heads and began the grand escape and hopping to get home in the real world other than Jumanji I already missed my children I wondered how they were behaving for their grandfather.
(Harold POV)
I was babysitting my grandchildren at my son's house they were just watching television and it was already 10:00 at night."Does your dad usually let you stay up so late watching television?" Beth shook her head and stared at the tv which was clearly the muppets."Grandpa Harold when is daddy going to be home?" She said rather curious,"I don't know sweetheart but do you think you should go to bed it's way past your bedtime young lady."That's when she eyed me and looked sad,"Why aren't you telling Andy to go to bed he's younger than me! Grandpa I think dad has feelings for Bethany do you think so as well? Where do you think daddy is then."Well when I first saw here yeah I completely thought so but I don't know anymore,"Well darling your dad has his own business and if he's doing anything he doesn't have to tell you do you understand?" She nodded," You ask so many questions Beth let's just go to bed maybe your dad might be here in the morning."That's when she finally smiled for the very since time since I've started babysitting today,"You promise Grandpa," She told me with smile,"I promise Beth," that's when Beth went to bed in a hurry to see her father in the morning and Andy went to bed as well.
(Bethany POV)
I was so happy to be in the body of Professor Shelly Oberon if you would of told me last year I wold have been horrified.Fridge and I finally made it into the Jurgen the Brutal fortress that's when a man talked to us,"Are you the brothers Augustus and Fitzwilliam?" Fridge and I nodded our heads while walking into the elevator and it officially closed," Which brother are you? Who's Augustus?" That's when I told the man that I was Augustus ,"Well I'm the brother Fitzwilliam," Fridge proclaimed.When the elevator opened up I saw chocolate cake making an appearance," Would you want any chocolate cake?" An older lady said,Fridge looked rather horrified so instead of asking polity he began yelling at the woman and especially the cake which he's grown to loathe,"Hell Noooooo!!" He yelled while knocking the cake over and the older lady looked rather sad.
(Alex POV)
Since my group of friends already left me to save Jumanji and get out of the game into the real world.I was preparing myself to rescue Milo from his horse cell which was going to take all day since I had to jump on notes without getting killed.That's when I did it for the first time I began jumping on steps then by mistake I accidentally stepped on the wrong one and then an arrow shot into my neck that's when I had to retry once again.I looked down at how many lives that I had which was four,I hope I don't die in the game of Jumanj I've been thinking to myself.
-After three attempts-
It took exactly after three attempts of saving Milo which I clearly did.I opened the door to Milo's cell while accidentally seeing his weaknesses and strengths," Wow this is so cool!"
(Spencer POV)
Martha and I were ice climbing up a mountain I haven't seen her for a few months which felt like hundreds of years." What's gotten into you Spencer? Why don't you ever text me anymore? Tell me the full reason,"Martha eyed me with the appearance of Ruby Roundhouse.That's when I told her everything that I wanted to relive being Bravestone again and just be strong instead of this scrawny twig,"I didn't text you anymore because I didn't deserve being with you.Martha you're beautiful and smart just gorgeous beyond words but I didn't think we stood a chance in a relationship so I didn't text you anymore."When I finished talking to her she put her hand on my arm,"Spencer please don't think that way you're such an amazing person I love you."What did Martha say? I was about to say something when she interrupted me," Spencer I think we should talk about this later shall we?" I nodded and she continued speaking," We need to get out of this awful game home do you even understand no more Bravestone!" She yelled rather quietly, I smiled reminiscing our crazy adventures together.
-A few minutes later-
Martha and I finally arrived to rescue Grandpa Eddie that's when we stared into each other's eyes that's when we kissed and it felt so good since I was clearly Bravestone point! While we were both kissing when Grandpa Eddie interrupted us," Hey! Get a room I'm over here!" That's when I saw him behind a cell in the appearance of Ming.I unlocked the cell and Grandpa Eddie smiled at me then started hugging me,"Grandpa Eddie aren't you ready to go home?" Eddie nodded,"Then let's go save Jumanji!" I hope I don't ever have to say that ever again!!
(Bethany POV)
Fridge freaked out when he saw a chocolate cake so instead of just being polite he yelled,"Hell noooooo!!" That's when I saw the remnants of the remaining cake on the ground,"No we wouldn't like any cake thank you so very much."I said without laughing out loud,when Fridge and I finally made it into the fortress Jurgen the Brutal finally showed up and walked towards us,"Aren't you the brothers Augustus and Fitzwilliam?" We both nodded heads,"Where is your sister she is supposed to be my bride."What was actually going on? Since I didn't live in the world of Jumanji I was completely and utterly confused,"What sister is that again? Becky or Molly."I said still utterly confused,"Where is your sister?" He proclaimed to me once again.While I was thinking about a distraction I heard Martha's voice yell,"I'm the sister whom you plan on marrying I guess you already met my brothers Augustus.....and umm...Fitzwilliam."She made her way towards Jurgen and he stared at her and then she saw the Jumanji jewel,"Ummm excuse me can I have the jewel,"That's when I stared at Martha and our own plan was working when someone yelled," Those are the brothers Augustus and Fitzwilliam their imposters!" He pointed at us and we all began fighting.
(Martha POV)
When Jurgen the Brutal found out we all were imposters they all began fighting that's when I saw Fridge and Bethany fighting with sticks on fire,"Stay back! Or I will burn you,"Bethany said to Jurgen the Brutal's men.When I stared at the much older man whom was Jurgen I told him,"By the way I have a boyfriend,"and that's when we all began fighting as a team.
(Spencer POV)
When I finally rescued Grandpa Eddie from the dungeon I needed to save my friends.When I entered the fortress I eyed Jurgen the Brutal since I had the Jumanji Berry and that was clearly his weakness, when we finally made eye contact he walked towards me and I just ran outside and he followed rather quickly.When we both made it outside we began fighting and kicking each other that's when I threw the Berry at him that's when he finally died because of his weakness we were almost home wasn't I excited or what?
(Alex POV)
After so many attempts I finally rescued Milo when I saw his strengths and weakness,"Wow this is so cool!" I said to myself I clearly have to make it to the team because we needed to go home right away.
-A few minutes later-
When I finally saw the team I saw the eyes of Bethany,Martha,Fridge,Spencer,Eddie and that's when I called to them,"Hey everyone I knew I took a while it's just that the game ain't over yet we have to call out it's name."
-three minutes later-
I showed everyone that Milo had wings since he was a horse and everyone thought that was so cool.Grandpa Eddie sat on Milo's horse back,"Do you understand what you're supposed to do!" He nodded his head, I just clearly told Eddie that he had to show the Jumanji jewel to the sun while calling out it name. The whole team was screaming the word Jumanji! When we finally called out the name I saw the eyes of Nigel coming to us.
(Bethany POV)
I can't believe that we saved Jumanji for the second time! And I finally can go home and just see my brother and mother all over again.I wasn't paying attention when I saw Milo running as a horse into the distance,"What is going on Fridge? Why is Milo staying behind?"That's when Eddie explained that he belonged here and wanted to watch over this place once and for all."You have saved Jumanji!" Nigel said when I looked at his hand I shook it and found my way into the basement with my friends.I can't believe I'm actually home! That's when I looked at my side I saw Alex smiling at me and I returned the smile.

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