1- Pyrokinesis- Marellinh

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Fintan smiled at the girls. Yet he was glad that no one else was here to see them, because they might not have understood so well, and might have made the girl's lives much more difficult than they already were. 

Linh laughed, and doused a small flame that had set the hem of her shirt on fire. 

"Sorry!" Marella said. "I- "

"You do not need to apologize to me. This is what we're here for!"

"Setting our girlfriend's clothes on fire?" Marella asked, suspicion trickling into her voice. 

"No, practicing pyrokinesis. You're learning to control your power, it's fine if you set my clothes on fire doing that." 

"But they're such lovely clothes, Linh."

"They're simple, everyday clothes that I have set aside specifically for being set on fire, and you're lovelier anyway."

Fintan was still smiling. The girls had trusted him with a secret, one that he was going to keep. He had done something similar, once, and he didn't regret it. Once Marella and Linh had stopped their strange little argument(aroace Fintan?) Fintan turned to them and said, "Now, do you want to learn more complex flames now or not?"

A/N: Sorry if that was bad, I wrote it just going where the story went and it's not proofread, but there's Marellinh fluff from during their Pyrokinesis Practice with Fintan.

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