6- Too much- KotLC

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What do you think? Does it feel complete? Very angsty, beware. Not centered around ship but Sophitz and Staruca are present. TW: mention of sharp thing, death and all that goes with it, totalitarian government and all that goes with it, Cassius and Gisela and all that goes with them, Tell me if there's anymore I should add. This takes place 50 years in the future. 

Keefe lives in a forest. Where, he doesn't know. The only thing that will ever change is the length of his hair and beard. There aren't many sharp things here, but sometimes he gets lucky and finds something he can give himself a choppy haircut with. All he knows is that humans don't come his way anymore. When they do, he panics. They could be Neverseen, after all. He whispers a dreaded word, and yet there are few survivors. He runs away. The most logical explanation he can think of is that they starve. He can't help that he's-no. He can't say the word. But there are dead bodies scattered around the forest. The humans must think he is some kind of demon, or corrupt god. What would Sophie think of him now, a wraith, a legend, a killer. He can't change. He never will.

Linh lives with Prentice. They're the only ones left of their family, a family that only experienced peace for a few seconds, and both of them are scarred beyond repair, inside and out. They're both working hard to make ends meet, in a society that hates them so. Nothing could bring Tam back, or Wylie, or Teirgan. Nothing could make them happy, a feeling that neither of them has even seen a glimpse of for years. She's depressed, she thinks about death too much. She hates that she will likely live forever, but as long as Prentice needs her, she'll hold on. He's the only person she has left.

Fitz can't take it much longer. His friends and family are either dead or out of reach. He tried so hard to raise his son after Sophie left, but Oswin is basically Keefe, at least the Keefe he knew. And he looks so like Biana. Fitz wants to give Queen Gisela a piece of his mind, but if he did, he'd probably be killed for treason. Everyone who opposes the her Majesty is killed for treason. They need to stay and obey the rules, and the Foster-Vacker family's second offense would likely have a worse outcome. He wishes he could run away, but so few get away with it, and Oswin still needs him. He can't let them hurt a child who has already lost so much. Even more, he has already lost so much, from his sister in the war, to his sons best friend who he treated like his own child in their little death Games, inspired by Advisor Glimmer's favorite human book series. And his wife, killed for treason, just like he might, his parents, left to die on the battlefield, his brother, as much of a part he himself played in that death, he still grieved. He has made too many mistakes to still be considered a person anymore.

Dex is a top general in Queen Gisela's army, though now he's better known as Digit. Only the Queen goes by her real name in court. She appreciated him more than anyone outside his family ever has, though his family had pretty good luck too, Rex and Bex soldiers, and Juline(who still goes by Squall, the name assigned to her in her Black Swan days) a Second Lieutenant. Kesler and Lex are presumed dead, having gone missing on the battlefield. Yes, they were grieved, but war is a merciless thing. You have to move on. Yes, the queen has done horrid things in the past, but she's better now. She's working for the greater good. Perhaps his childhood friends are dead or peasants, but they didn't appreciate him much. It was always, 'Dex, build this gadget' 'Dex build that gadget' and nothing in return. The Queen is more grateful. He has new friends now, anyway. A husband too, and friends who don't just take him for granted.

Stina is on the run. She and her wife are living off of whatever they can find, trying to get away from the dystopia that is the Lost Cities, the government that controls their every move. Maruca says they might be able to find refuge with humans, but wherever they go, whether it be Gildingham or Sydney, they're unwelcome. The Lost Cities are gone, just a ghost of their former selves.

Ro is sick of Gisela's tricks, Games, arrogant attitude and horrid plans. Maybe elves minds aren't so sensitive anymore, but that's no reason to put millions of goblins out of their jobs. Yes, she's an ogre, but her job was the same as those goblins'. Maybe she used to be a princess, but that doesn't mean anything now. The only power that matters is the Queen's, no ogre king nor goblin queen nor dwarven queen nor troll empress nor gnomish leader nor elven councillor can challenge that. Her charge, the scrawny elf who proved himself more powerful than anyone could ever imagine, chose cowardice and ran away. She is nothing now, she is worthless, all because of Keefe's mother.

Cassius is done. He tried so hard to succeed, but now there's nothing left for him succeed at. He is a peasant in his ex's empire, he is no longer a best-selling author, no longer an important and respected empath, no longer a councillor. No longer a father, and he was never a good one to start with. No longer anyone.

Soo... yeah. There are a few grammar mistakes but those are ignorable. I'll come back and fix them later. So that was dark. But I'm really proud of it. Why does angst come more naturally to me than anything else? 

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