2- Imagination- Peril

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So this a look at when Peril was younger and lived with Scarlet, being, well, you know... A piece in Scarlet's Hunger Games... Scarlet would probably be a good Capitol citizen... And honestly, Peril is kinda like Aru Shah in this. TW: Death

Peril's life was fairly monotonous, but that didn't stop her imagination from being almost it's own person. 

Scarlet assured her that her mother was not secretly a NightWing, and that her father was not a disowned prince. That Peril's firescales were not result of an Animus curse, and that her brother was most definitely not alive and had been raised by scavengers(Ha! He was, but Scarlet doesn't need to know that).

But Peril could feel that maybe Scarlet was wrong. Maybe the dragon she faced that day, Bianca, really had been the first IceWing Animus in centuries. Maybe Osprey really was a RainWing laughed out of his own tribe due to his disability, trying to find sanctum with the SkyWings.

Maybe Peril's life was more than just a lie she made up.

Yeah, that was short, and angst-y. Also, most of these are write wherever my brain takes them. And not proofread. Also, anyone notice how similar Scorpia and Peril are? Both raised by villains, both socially awkward, both with a reddish color scheme... 

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