4- When the Sun Loves the Moon- Marellinh

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This is gonna be a songfic. I felt like it. The song is 'When the Sun Loves the Moon' by Reinaeiry. I think it's by Reinaeiry. It might be a cover or something, but I dunno.

When the sun loves the moon                                                                                                                                Even the ocean feels her pull

Linh Song loved Marella Redek. Everyone knew that. But everyone also knew that they were worse than a bad match, could never, under any circumstances, be together. But love is a funny thing. It changes people, for better or for worse. Ever since they had confessed to each other, Linh's Hydrokinesis had felt different. Stronger. Powerful. But not enhancing powerful. No, this was much more than that. This was true, pure power and control.

Oh, and the stars align every night
To spell out their love in tiny bright lights

Biana was always there for Marella and Linh, but sometimes her fangirling could be a little too much. Linh was glad for the support, but Elven Society was harsh, and one young Vacker, an illegal Pyrokinetic, and one  of the most powerful Hydrokinetics in history were still no match for Society's drowning, temper-sparking, make-you-wish-you-could-disappear words.

Oh, when the sun loves the moon
Never touching but never far

And Society fought back. They tried to keep Marella and Linh apart, sending them on separate missions, cancelling their joint training, but that didn't stop the girls.

Oh, at the break of day
A summer's ray
A moonlit night that casts away
Their love remains, their love remains

Marella's dad walking in on them and lecturing them. Councillor Oralie saying she supported them but their love would never live. Tam telling them that they should run away to the Forbidden Cities where they were more accepting. But Linh and Marella stayed strong.

Oh, when the sun loves the moon
Her golden light
Her silver hues

Marella's golden fire mixing with Linh's silvery water, Marella was banished to a human city called New York, while Linh was banished to Chicago(A/N: those are totally random-)

A beautiful song
Oh, how they long
For dawn

But sometimes they do see each other. Sometimes they do get to live again, laugh again. Sometimes, it isn't all bad.

Wow, that turned out more angst than I expected. What did you think?

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