3- Art Museum- Kam

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Kam Human AU where they meet in an art museum. This was inspired by a trip to the art museum I recently took. TW: Death

Tam Dai Song loved art. He loved looking at it, that is. He wasn't very good at it, however. His sister, Linh, was amazing at it. He envied her. 

"I think it looks good." Linh said, referring to the drawing Tam had just done of Fitz Vacker, his celebrity crush(The Vackers are celebrities in this, apparently).

"It's terrible, and you know it." Tam responded. 

"No it isn't, Tam. If you want it to be better, practice makes perfect, though I think it's perfect the way it is."

"I do practice, Linh. But my art skills are horrific, and nothing's going to change that." he said, looking at Linh's so-real-they-could-jump-out-of-the-paper drawing of Biana Vacker and her girlfriend, Sophie.

"Why don't we go to the art museum to look at famous art work for inspiration and to take our minds off... recent happenings." Tam knew she was talking about their mother passing away recently, and a day after Linh's girlfriend, Marella, had broken up with her.(Yes, I am that evil)

                                                                              *Time Skip*

"Where to first?" Linh asked.

"I dunno... Baroque?"

"Alright." Tam knew Linh had always liked Baroque art, especially paintings with chiaroscuro, which comes from Italian and means light and dark. It means that there may be no or next to no natural light in the room, but instead, the light comes from the holy figures in the painting. Linh was trying to master this technique in her own art. She was nowhere near Caravaggio, but she was still pretty good. 

They made a silent agreement to avoid the Armor Gallery and the Faberge Exhibit, as they were Marella's and their mother's favorite exhibits, respectively. 

After Baroque, they decided to view the South Asian and Asian art, then go to the Egyptian Wing.   Then the Modern Art, and finally Medieval.

In the Medieval section, Tam spotted a boy staring intently a painting of a young couple on their wedding day. "How funny they decided to separate them." he said.

"What?" Tam asked.(I guess they live near Cleveland)

"This painting. It was paired with another, of the couple after they die. It's in a museum in Sweden, actually.(I'm completely making that last part up)

"That is weird. Why did they decide they shouldn't be in the same museum?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. My cousin thinks that it's because they think Cleveland is alive and Sweden is dead, but I think that maybe the paintings are powerful together. It was a time of witchcraft, ya know?"

"I guess. That's really deep actually. I kind of think that may be true. Honestly-"

"Tam!" Linh called. "It's about time to go!"

"Oh, is that your name?" The boy asked. "I'm Keefe. Here's my number, if you want to talk again." he said, scribbling onto a piece of paper with a ballpoint pen.

Tam left the museum with a smile on his face.

So, how was that? Again, not proofread, I just wrote whatever came into my head. Yeah, I broke up Marellinh in this, but I do want them to be happy. And Mai Song... honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about killing her off.

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