Chapter 9: Animal Attraction

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Daniel reclaimed his seat in the bleachers in time to watch as the dance team took center stage.

Unlike the last two performances, one of his girls (a petite dancer with long dark hair) came to stand beside the team captain, and the others formed lines behind the couple.

It was going to be a duet.

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["Animal" by The Cab began to play loudly through the speakers.]

Robby and Ramona slowly began to move toward one another.

🎵"Baby girl, I'm not quite human. And I'm not quite a machine." 🎵

The tempo of the song playing in the background meant that each step leading up to their meeting in the middle of the stage had to be orchestrated with a precise amount of heat, intensity, and poise.

The vigorous pacing, flow, and emotion needed for a song about raw, unadulterated lust was one of the reasons he'd chosen it in the first place. Everything about this routine was going to be seductive, sassy, and confident. It was the kind of fast-paced song that would keep the audience engaged.

🎵"Yeah, I'm another, hungry lover. But I was born a different breed." 🎵

Ramona, for her part, was a remarkably talented dancer.

The dark-haired girl was not only matching him step-for-step, but making it look relatively easy, which really was quite a feat and spoke volumes about her level of skill.

Robby rarely met anyone that could impress him, but she'd surprised him once before when she threw him off his game during their dance-off, simply for the fact he wasn't accustomed to competing against anyone who could match his skill.

🎵"I can shake you, but then I'll break you." 🎵

When the choreographer moved his hands in a 'pull' motion, the back-up dancers did a sequence of jerk-like movements and spun like they were a bunch of marionettes being pulled by a puppeteer.

Robby dropped his hands suddenly, causing the girls circling him to go halfway to the ground and become border-line motionless like his mastery over them had severed strings.

(The action earned a lot of excited murmurs from the crowd.)

They'd never seen a move like that.

🎵"And baby, sweat is guaranteed." 🎵

Robby did a perfectly orchestrated spin that put him directly in front of the girl he'd once scorned and moved his hands sensually down his torso as the lyrics '...sweat is guaranteed...' played in the background.

It was incredibly erotic, dirty, and sensual in its simplicity.

🎵"I wish I could give you my love and my soul. But inside my chest, there is nobody home."🎵
🎵"My heart may be missing. But my hands will make up for it." 🎵

Robby made a gesture like his heart was bursting out of his chest before transiting into a partial drop, spin, and coming back up in time for his girls to pull off a little dance number of their own in the background.

Their coordinated movements resumed even as he moved closer to his lead dancer with a subtle but undeniable gyration to his hips that was guaranteed to make his female fans in the audience catcall.

Dancing on my Heartstrings (Xander/Robby)Where stories live. Discover now