3- Now we're over. How did this happen?

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I was sitting in the living room, on ugly carpeted floor with Micheal beside me, a bit too close to me for my liking. Each time I would try to shift way from it- him, he would just scoot closer to me. He had dumped a big bucket of toys (mainly building blocks) in front of me and flapped his hands a little. So now, I'm helping him build a small castle out of only red colored blocks. I'm not sure why it has to be red but every time I would put a different color, he would just stare at with his eye brows scrunched in anger until I took it off. This kid is creepy.

Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy are outside talking about something, about me if I had to guess. They were glaring at each other all morning— actually, only Tubbo and Tommy. Ranboo wasn't looking at ether of them. He had his eyes glued to the floor. Now that I think about it, he hasn't really looked at anybody in the face at all.

I don't remember much about what happened yesterday. I remember getting here, being scared, having trouble breathing and terribly loud voices— the same ones from this morning. Also the feeling of having to agree and adjust to everything around me in very little time in fear of something that could happen if I didn't. I still feel like that. I'm terrified to accept the fact that I shouldn't be here, because what if these people don't like that I think that way? What if that makes them angry?— judging by the fact that my mother would've been furious, then I would assume they would be too. But would she really be angry? Or would she just laugh at me and forget about it? She was so confusing. Here is confusing. Everything is confusing.

I really wish everything would slow down. All of it is happening too fast and it's really scary. I don't understand what is happening and why. Why did I get sent to this place? Why doesn't anyone care? Why can't I just be dead. I just wanna go back to Techno and Wilbur. I think it's been long enough that I haven't seen them. Just for a single minute or two.

And there's still 3 ugly blue heart tattoos on my arm that are really creeping me out, I try not to look at it. Maybe it had to do with something that happened yesterday that I couldn't remember? That's pretty much the only thing keeping me sane about this tattoo thing.

With a loud squeak of the front door opening, they all walk in. Ranboo and Tubbo scurry to the kitchen, still in their big puffy winter jackets and Tommy just stands at the door, eyes caught on the welcome carpet. He's wearing normal shoes (that are covered in snow) and a red sweater. Tubbo and Ranboo come back after a few seconds and hand him something that I couldn't quite see what but it was golden and shinny, I also saw a bit of small green spots on it as well. Before I could see more of what it was Tommy quickly tucked it in the waistband of his pants, under his shirt.

He signaled to me to go with him with the flick of his hand and a quick glare.

I stood up, wiping the invisible dirt off of my pants, my ankles cracking and popping a little as I did so. I guess I'm going with him. Micheal waved a goodbye to me to me with a bit of disappointment, I slightly cringed at the movement and hesitantly waved back. He went back to building. Now that I look at his castle, it was really ugly and resembled nothing to a real one, or maybe it was just the angle but it was hideous. I missed home.

On my way to the door, I could feel the tension quickly rise. I decide to stay quiet about it and slough my head down to look at the floor.

"Hurry up, okay?" Tommy said, turning away right as I got there and walked out the door with a bit of a slam. I could only guess why he would be upset.

Tubbo walks up to a small black door to the left side of the front door, and opens it. It's a closet. He bends down and takes out a pair of black winter boots sitting on a wooden ledge and the shoes that I supposedly wore here (I don't remember getting here). Then he stands up and hands me the boots my shoes. "These boots look like they were the same side as your shoes so hope they fit.." I quickly take them mumbling a quick 'thank you', taking notice to the darker red-ish patch on his hands, just like the ones on his face, creepy, and quickly put on the boots. They're a little too small but they'll do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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