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"YUKI!!!!!!!!!!" Zero shouted. He lunged for the girl's wrist and pulled her back towards him. "Where have you been? We have to get to the gates!!!"

Yuki looked at Zero, slightly peeved that he had stopped her, but also knowing he deserved an explanation. "I can't. I have to be somewhere." she replied. She elbowed Zero in the gut and twisted out of his hold, quickly running down the hall again.

Zero chased after her. "Wait!" he called. "Where are you going?! Why do you have to be somewhere?!" It was a good thing the halls didn't have people in them; he would've lost Yuki in a heartbeat. But, luckily, they were all at the night classes' gates. Just like we should be, Zero thought, annoyed.

He quickly caught up to her again, keeping his eyes on her back the entire time. When had she gotten so fast? She had never been athletic before. He desperately grabbed onto her again. "Hey!" she shrieked. "Let go of me!" She swung her other hand around to slap him across the face.

"Hey!" he grunted, barely dodging her hand. "What has you so on edge?"

She glared at him. "It's not your business, Zero." She squirmed again and he let go. This time, he didn't chase after her.


Yuki had been acting like this for a week, and had offered Zero no explanation save the line a few days before. Pissed off by her constant absence and behavior, Zero stealthily followed Yuki after seeing her wandering the halls one day. He could tell that something was wrong, and he wanted to know what it was. He peeked his head out of the leaves of the tree he was currently occupying, and watched as Yuki walked up to a dark figure. Kuran? What was that idiot doing with Yuki?

Kaname slid his finger underneath Yuki's chin, which caused Zero to feel and empathetic blush coming on. Hey! That vampire needs to keep his hands OFF of Yuki. Anger boiled up inside of him as Kaname leaned his head down and pecked Yuki softly on the cheek.

What?! What is this?! He clutched his chest. Jealousy??? His anger built up even more at his own stupid, confusing thoughts. He was jealous. He had sworn he would never feel such a weak emotion again yet there he was. He clenched his teeth in anger and the leaves around him shook violently.

Kaname looked up towards Zero and winked at the silverette. Embarassed he had been caught, the teen quickly hid in his tree, his heart pounding and a blush creeping across his face. He'd be damned if he recognized these feelings he had... for Kaname.

Vampire Knight: Forbidden Lips (Zero x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now