To Your Mind

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Zero stood next to his side table in his dark, dank room: his prison. He softly stroked the mahogany, remembering the large dining table made of the stuff that was in his house. Well, it used to be his house. He stopped abruptly, breathing in a sharp breath, suddenly aware of his enemy's presence. He didn't turn, but spoke to the wall. "Hello, Kuran." A dark figure approached behind him. "What do you want?" the silverette asked, suddenly annoyed

"I was just checking in on my favorite vampire hunter." Kaname replied coolly.

"Favorite? Ridiculous. I'm a threat." Zero spat out harshly.

"Yes, but you're protecting Yuki, so I have come to reward you."

"Yuki? How? I can't protect her anymore than you could make her forget me."

"In more ways than you could ever imagine, hunter." Kaname replied.

There was a pause as Zero thought out what he was going to say next. Then, cautiously, he asked "How are you going to 'reward' me?" Putting on defense, he waited to be pounced on, in case attacking was Kaname's way of 'rewarding.'

"Anyway you want me to." was the simple reply.

Zero quickly and harshly answered, "I don't need anything from you." Secretly, he knew what he wanted from Kaname.

He wanted those soft, sacred lips.

He smacked himself again. I must stop thinking this way. Kaname smirked and stepped slowly towards the silverette. Zero was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't notice Kaname until he was almost to him. 

"You're jealous, are you? Of the attention Yuki's been getting from me." Kaname asked. 

"Of course I'm not." Zero responded to the sudden question. I wouldn't call it jealousy. I'd call it.. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D CALL IT!!! Zero scolded himself in his head.

"That's because it's called jealousy and you don't believe you could have such a weak feeling."

"Where would you get a stupid idea like that?" He was flustered and trying hard not to show it to the tall vampire in front of him.

From your mind.
Kaname's voice cut through the air. Everything stopped; it was like living in slow motion, or swimming through molasses. 

Zero looked at Kaname, confused, frightened, and realized the man hadn't said anything. But that was definitely Kaname's voice. How? Zero thought. 

Easy. I'm a pure blood.
The answer echoed only in Zero's mind.

That means....

I've heard everything you've thought and are thinking. There is no safety in your mind.
Zero couldn't contain his shock. Kaname walked towards him again. "Now about your reward..." the taller man spoke out loud. Kaname was only a step away from Zero now.

He violently pinned Zero against the wall and captured his lips. Zero sucked in his breath, subconsciously. He was humiliated that his feelings had ever come out, and especially like this!

Kaname bit his own lower lip and blood slowly seeped from the wound. It was hard for Zero to resist. I've wanted this so badly for so long. Zero thought, and then immediately remembered Kaname, who pushed him harder into the wall, pressing their bodies closer together and pinning Zero's hands above his head.

Don't resist me then.
 Kaname entered the other teen's mind and started to nibble intently at Zero's bottom lip. Blood oozed from both of their cuts and Kaname worked to mix it together. He licked the red stain off of Zero's lips. Zero tried suppressing the urge to join in but he could feel his will loosening with every stroke of Kaname's tongue. Reluctantly, he licked at the blood on Kaname's mouth as his last remaining defenses evaporated. He blushed deeply, clenching his eyes shut so he didn't have to look at the handsome face of the dominant male. Blood dripped hungrily from their mouths and onto the floor, and Zero ached for more contact.

Suddenly, Zero felt the pressure on him loosening and Kaname backing up. "My debt has been payed." Kaname calmly stated. He turned and walked matter-of-factly towards the door, wiping the remaining blood on his wrist.

"You're just going to leave?" Zero angrily shouted. He was back on-edge in a heartbeat.

Kaname turned, taking one last look at Zero. "Yes, I am. I still belong to Yuki, no matter what your feelings are for me. I simply had to repay a debt." He turned and started walking again.

"Wait!" Zero called.

"Keep Yuki alive for me please. You will play a big role in the end." He spoke over his shoulder and was gone, leaving Zero alone.

Zero, finally alone with his own mind once more without the threat of intrusion, felt a sudden emptiness. He finished licking the blood off of his lips, enjoying the sweet aftertaste it left him with and longed for the dark  haired man again. He was suddenly filled with hatred for himself, Kaname, his thoughts, his feelings, and even Yuki. These emotions were quickly replaced by a longing for Kaname's company once more and the reminder of the last few minutes filled Zero's face with intense, hot, red.

I've been getting a few Vampire Knight requests and I decided to finally do one. This is the most recent one I've done and there were others at the beginning of the school year that I wrote that I still haven't put up. I am going to continue this and actually this isn't the first chapter, this might be something like the second, just to make it easier on people who don't know Vampire Knight completely. "How is Zero keeping Yuki alive?" "Why does Kaname owe a debt to Zero?" "Why is there so much blood?" "WHO THE HELL ARE ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS?" things like that that I want to prevent. So this is the second chapter actually but it has the first chapter title so as not to freak out people that are like where are the other chapters? I can't just start the story in the middle of a fan fiction!!!!! So there will be more to this.

I forget who requested Vampire Knight stuff... Nuttella? was that you? anyway if it was, I have more stuff that I can dedicate to you if you don't really like this. I understand that a lot of Vampire Knight fans absolutely hate the KanamexZero pairing and I get it, I do, it's just Yuki annoys me. Actually every girl in that annoys me except Rima. So I apologize to those of you that I have scarred for life xD.

Yay! Updates! So I've been going back through and rewriting the whole thing. People seem to really like this and I know, as another reader, it really pisses me off when a story has a really good plot but terrible writing, or really good writing and a terrible plot. My writing has improved a lot since this from a year or so ago and so I thought I'd make it better. This was so terrible, rereading it. XD Was my writing really this bad?!?!? :P Sorry for those of you who thought this was an add-on.

Vampire Knight: Forbidden Lips (Zero x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now