This All Comes To An End

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Okay!!! Here is the FINAL CHAPTER OF THIS FANFIC!!!!!!!!! XD

I'm really excited for the ending of this because I've worked a lot on this fanfic and I want that feeling of accomplishment for when it ends!!! I can't thank you all enough for the support that you have given me an I really hope you enjoy it. WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, school's out!!! It's summer time, now! But I can't grantee that I'll be posting anything regularly or more often than I was because my ENTIRE Summer if booked with stuff to do. I have babysitting jobs, and camp, and conferences and all that stuff so yeah... Sorry!! I will try to post things often!!! Anyways, enjoy this LAST UPDATE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zero and Kaname stared at each other for a while. It was taking a while to get over the general shock and awkwardness of the whole thing.

"Why did you come?" Zero said, somewhat snottily, somewhat hopeful, like he was testing Kaname's love, and desperately wanted him to pass.

"To finish you off." Kaname replied. "What's the point of a pawn that can't do anything? You're just  a ticking time-bomb."

Zero looked down, smiling at the floorboards. "You passed." He sighed. With out another moment of hesitation, Zero lunged at Kaname, teeth fully out and blood-lust in his eyes. He had learned to hate Kaname after sitting in the tower for so long.

Kaname's calm expression remained on his face throughout the shocking rip of cloth and a dodge. When they pulled away from each other, Kaname's left shoulder was bare, where Zero's teeth had torn the sleeve off. There was a little trickle of blood coming from the marks.

The only sound was Zero's heavy panting. He was in a crouched position, like he was ready to pounce again. Suddenly, hot tears started to stream from his eyes. He relaxed, standing up straight. He turned around and walked over to the window, instead of pursuing Kaname. He leaned against the rotting wooden window frame, looking out over the sunny village. When had his life gone to shit? The same day that he had to stop going out in the sun?

Kaname was shocked. He hadn't expected such an outburst of emotion from Zero. Why was he pushing away the only person that cared for him? To protect someone that he cared about? He wasn't getting anything back from Yuki except for shyness. Sure, she was really cute as a little child, but she had long grown out of it. Here Kaname was, sacrificing everything he had for her and yet she was pushing him away, just like he was pushing Zero away.The truth was that he was lonely.

Kaname was very lonely.

He's dedicated his entire life to his sister, but was so focused on her that he couldn't notice anyone else for fear of losing her. But he realized that he has to do something for himself sometimes. It was a little frightening to realize.

That's why he walked up behind Zero, with little hesitation and a hopeful determination, he wrapped his arms around Zero's waist. Zero turned around slowly, trying to hide the tears. This motion knocked Kaname's arms off of his waist. The pure blood dropped his arms and pulled back, but not enough to fully let Zero go.

"What is wrong with you?" Disgust was plain on Zero's face. "How dare you tell me to get lost and then seek me out to hold me so tenderly? You make me sick."

Kaname looked down, ashamed. "I don't mean to mess with your emotions." He said softly. He chanced a glance at the silverette. "My entire life I've been raised to look after Yuki, to focus only on her. It's hard switching your focus when it's been trained on one person for your entire life."

There was an uncomfortable pause, as though Kaname wasn't sure exactly what to say next, but Zero wanted him to continue.

"I..." Kaname paused, trying to word the next thing carefully. "I.." He tried again, but failed. Getting frustrated, he simply grabbed Zero and planted a kiss on his lips.

After the initial shock passed, Kaname softly pulled away from Zero, searching his eyes for a response. Zero said nothing, but pulled Kaname in again, snaking his arms around Kaname's neck. They pulled away for a second time after  a slow, passionate kiss.

Kaname knew how to word it now.

"I love you."

OMG get me a pot. We're having fondue!! Seriously that was too hot and cheesy. I hate ending things because it's really difficult not to make it cliché and cheesy.

I gave up.

I could've made this story so much longer but then again, I didn't want to make another Naruto series or something. I considered making Zero pull away and leave after Kaname hugged him from behind, but then I thought "No, I need to stop dragging it out. You guys deserve an ending." his was what I came up with.

Well, that was the end of my story!!!!! I hope you all liked it! Now you have to go check out my other stories :P

Anyways, more cheesiness, I have some thanks to make. Honestly, you have all motivated me to write this.  If it wasn't for you guys, I probably would've given up after the first chapter because honestly, it's been a while since I finished Vampire Knight and the glamour of it has kind of worn off. I don't like it as much as I did. This fan fic was a favor to one of my followers, NataliaMoony. This entire fanfic is dedicated to her and I thought that she would be the only one writing it. Nope. This is my mos popular fan fiction. You all yell at me when I don't post on time. xD That would probably get on most writers' nerves, but I really love it because it tells me that you guys are enjoying it. There's not a better feeling for me than realizing I'm putting something out there that is desired. For that, I have to thank all of you. With out you, his fan fic would never have gotten past the second chapter. Also, I would like to thank ben4kevin for being the first commenter of my fan fiction account as well as KxZ fan girl, AwesomeGirl15, and Dangerousluv for being the top commentators, some of my most loyal fans, and definitely owners of the most memorable comments/ conversations. I love you guys!

Also something that I wanted to bring up: I am a guy. I'm not a fan girl, I'm the rare fan boy in his natural habitat. I want to bring this up because I've gotten comments about being a fangirl or they think I'm a girl and when I correct them, they are really surprised. That makes me wonder how any of you think that I am female. Just wanted to tell you all. xD Anyways, I love you all!! Thank you for your continued support!!! <3

Vampire Knight: Forbidden Lips (Zero x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now