Crystals for Us All

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Warning: You need to know Vampire Knight for this to make any sense whatsoever. It contains spoilers from the ending of the second season and takes place roughly around when Kaname and Yuki's uncle is waking up and Kaname becomes the defensive brother type person. That sentence contained many spoilers just right there. :)

"Y-Yuki.." The surprise caught Kaname off guard. He knew that she had duty but... everything had simply slipped his mind.

Rage built up inside of him.

This was Yuki! Everything he has ever done throughout his entire life has all been for her! And now, a pawn made to protect her was distracting him so easily?!

Everything he has done so far...

He's had to stay strong through it all, losing his father, his mother, his sister, everything... It had taken a great toll on him. He had to remain strong for Yuki. He had to protect her and look over her. To him, that meant he couldn't show emotion. He couldn't show sadness, or regret, or even love. He had to steel himself against the rest of the world and pretend that nobody mattered but him and Yuki. But now there was another person in it...

He cursed and a tear slid down his cheek.

It felt good to let a tear out, as if in that one little drop of water, there was a whole ocean of built-up emotion inside of it; all of his stubborness, stress, sorrow, lonliness. He felt relieved, happy, and more focused. At least, he did, until he realized there was somebody watching him.

"K...Kaname-sama?" The man froze, afraid to turn and face who he knew was there.

Reluctantly, he answered. "Yes, my beloved Yuki?"

He was saved from having to turn to her by her instead walking around to his front to face him. However, that also meant he couldn't hide behind a shadow. He was exposed, there for her to see. "I... I wanted to make sure you were okay." She looked down, embarrassed. "I's the middle of the night. You should be in your classes."

Kaname smiled lightly, a simple act pasted over the hurt he was feeling. "That proves a point for me as well. It's the middle of the night. You should be getting to bed." Despite knowing she didn't care for him, he could still notice the dark circles under her eyes and couldn't keep the genuine concern out of his voice.

Her head snapped up, shocked and panicked. "I have a duty! I can't abandon the school in the middle of the night. I won't!"

Kaname, still smiling, replied. "You make it sound like we're monsters. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on the school tonight."

"But Kaname-sama... I don't mean it that way." She looked down again, this time sadly. "I mean that you're kind, intelligent and important. You shouldn't be wasting your energy on me." Her voice became softer at the last words.

Kaname cringed mentally. What Yuki had just said... He pulled her quickly into his arms. He was thought of as such a normal being in her eyes, yet so... magnificent... He couldn't have asked for anything more from the girl and another hot tear rolled down his face, which quickly disappeared before Yuki could see it. He finally pulled away and looked straight into her eyes. "I have something to give you." Slowly, he slipped the chain from around his neck and onto hers. She picked up the white ring, rolling it over in her fingers and staring at it in awe.

"Kaname-sama..." He silenced her with a look and she could only stare up at Kaname as he pulled her into another hug and left the way he had come. Seeing Yuki had gotten his mind back on track. He didn't need to go see Zero anymore. After all, he was just a pawn.

Vampire Knight: Forbidden Lips (Zero x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now