And I Can't Stand on my Own

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"Help me." Kaname whispered to the ceiling. "How am I supposed to do this?" He brought a hand up to his chocolate brown hair and pushed it back, sighing. He sat in a red velvet chair in the middle of an unused room. There was plastic wrapping over all the furniture around him. "I'm so lonely. Yuki will have nothing to do with me. She used to be such a good child. She used to love me. What's happened?"

He got up slowly. "Whatever it is, nothing will happen from just sitting here." He moved towards the door and then stopped, and turned back into the room, as if thinking better of it. "No, I can't.." He looked out of the window, which cold, exposing white light was coming trough. The full moon was waiting on the other side, as if judging every single one of Kaname's moves. It made him uneasy.

It was hard for him to keep up his appearences. He had to act strong, and as if nothing was wrong. If he showed a hint of emotion, everything would come crashing down. He would let down all the vampires, whether they were the ones thirsting for his blood and death, or his loyal 'friends.'

And Yuki.. He couldn't bring himself to betray her, even if he wanted to. He had to look out for her, no matter what she did or how cold she acted towards him. He had always done everything for her. Bringing her to this school, raising her as a human, fighting off every last person who tried to harm her, and taking all this stress upon himself. It was all for her. Yet, how can she simply brush him away? Quite easily, she simply became afraid of him. That hurt most of all. He tried everything he could to make sure she would never be afraid of him. She was into this world, but she had only ever scratched the surface. Whatever he did now would only pull her deeper, potentially doing what he had worked to protect her from all this time. Yet, If he didn't... Kaname couldn't live like this any more.

He attacked a nearby chair, the wood splintering easily under his hand. He had to protect his world, everything he had left.

He scoffed.

What did he have left?

There was a soft knock on the closed door. It slowly opened and Ruka entered. "Kaname-sama, are you alright? I heard a crash." She apparently hadn't seen the broken chair hidden behind the rest of the furniture.

"Why would I be?" Kaname whispered.

"Huh?" Ruka asked, concerned.

"Nothing. It must have been Aido upstairs." He waved her away quickly.

"All right." She replied timidly. She bowed and back ed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Kaname rested his head in his palm. What was he going to do? He... he admitted he had some feelings for Zero. Yes, the thought had been probing at the back of his mind the entire night, but he was too much of a coward to fully address it. He wasn't surprised when it shot to the front of his mind. Zero... A sudden sinking feeling came over Kaname. This loneliness... He just needed something to fill it. He needed someone. He turned around quickly and burst out of the door with confidence, resolve filling his eyes.

*    *    *

Zero layed on his bed, trying to drift off to sleep, but not quite working. He had skipped duty tonight... again... He admitted he felt a little guilty about leaving Yuki all by herself to stay on watch, but nothing usually happened anyways, and if it did, him or Kuran would be all over it.


The boy flitted through Kaname's mind and the more he thought about the pure blood, the more he thought he could smell the man. He sat up in bed quickly as the door slammed open.

He stood up to to face the doorway, only to be thrown against a wall. His vision was obscured by a sudden blur, as something slammed against his lips. He barely had any time to register them before the thing slowly kissed it's way down his jaw line and bit into his neck. He winced slightly as sharp teeth injected themselves into his skin. Soon, blood was flowing from the base of his neck and down his shirt. The person (as he had deemed the forceful object) extracted their teeth from him and slowly licked at the red liquid on Zero's skin. A shiver ran down the silverette's spine and he closed his eyes. The person forced his head back down and claimed his lips again, locking Zero into a hungry, passionate kiss.

Taking a breath, The person pulled back and quickly turned away, crossing to the other end of the room, and sighing. Zero regained his balance and his senses again, unclouding his confused mind. All that had happened so quickly, Zero was having trouble processing what had just happened. Even now, he was having trouble slowly regaining his wit.

Finally he had enough sense to look over at the person on the other side of the room. It as definitely a 'he' and there was only one male vampire who would ever visit him. "Kaname?" He asked, shocked at himself he was using the pure blood's first name. He walked slowly across the wood floors to the figure, putting a hand over his neck to ebb the flow of the blood. Kaname stayed where he was, too ashamed to turn to the younger boy. Zero, even as confused as he was, walked up and slung his arms over Kaname from behind, resting his head on his shoulder. Kaname, surprised, turned his head to Zero, who took the chance to quickly kiss Kaname. It was soft and sweet. It was Zero's way of trying to give Kaname confidence.

*    *    *

It had briefly crossed Kaname's mind that this wasn't a good idea. Everything that he was doing right now was hurting Yuki. Losing her brother and her best friend all in one sweep might not make her happy. It had crossed his mind. But when Zero kissed, him, he didn't care. He loved Zero and he was going to do what made him happy.

Sorry for that awkwardly short chapter but I feel like the content might make up for it. :) I love you all and thanks so much for reading! I have this new thing that I'm going to be updating every weekend. Hopefully they'll be done on Fridays but I'm giving myself the space of a full weekend to work in. Please hold me to that promise. I'll see you all soon!!!

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