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Kaname sat alone in his chambers. He was emotionally numb after banishing Zero, but to him, that was a good thing. He needed to  be emotionally numb. As he had just proved himself, emotions hinder his mission to protect Yuki. He loves her, but he loves her in a brotherly sort of way.

He found himself suddenly against marrying her.

He just didn't see her in that way, but if he was meant to marry her, he would. It was his duty to protect her.

He got off of his chair and walked out of his door in search of Yuki. He was going to prepare a date.

~    ~    ~    ~

That day, Kaname wandered off into the hallways of the school. Everyone looked at him in curiosity as he made an appearance during the day time. It was difficult for him to go outside, but he did for Yuki, and kept under the overhangs.

He went to her first class and waited outside for her. The bell rang suddenly, signaling the end of class, and the kids started to file out. They all paused a few seconds to look at Kaname, even the guys, before finally continuing on to their next class. Kaname waited patiently until the flow of children ebbed.

There was no sign of Yuki.

Kaname immediately went to her dormitory. He should've known by now that she rarely went to her first class. She must've been tired from her night shift.

He walked inside the girls' dorm, and was met by hundreds of half-naked women shrieking. At first, it was from surprise, and then it was at recognition that the handsome stranger was Kaname.

The pure blood walked coolly through the halls, paying no attention to the screaming girls who were torn between rushing inside to get dressed and not wanting to miss Kaname. He walked silently by all of them until he realized he didn't know where Yuki's room was. 

He chose girls at random, but it was a while until he could find one that could actually respond. He walked up to a particularly short girl with short brown hair to match. She wore a tank-top and small pajama shorts that revealed most of her legs. She looked at Kaname in awe and nonrecognition. It was obvious she had never seen him before.

"Do you know where Yuki Corss's room is?" he asked calmly, hoping not to startle her.

She silently pointed down a hall that Kaname had overlooked. "Room 217. You'll know when you get there." He thanked her and left, but thanks to his heightened hearing, he still managed to hear a whispered "Wow! Zero has changed a lot!" behind him.

He shivered at the memory of Zero. Kaname forced himself to forget about the silverette and focused his mind on a different subject: Yuki. He'd finally reached her room and knocked patiently, hoping she was there.

After a few minutes, he heard drowsy footsteps making their way to the door and knocking over thing on the journey. A bleary-eyed Yuki opened the door, rubbing her eyes. She had obviously still been sleeping.

"Zero?" She asked, before realizing the person at the door was definitely not Zero. "K-Kaname!!!!" she stuttered, nearly faling backwards at the realization, now fully awake. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Yuki, let's go to town today, okay?" He was set on spending more time with Yuki for all of his sacrifices.

Yuki was thrown off by the sudden proposal and took a while to respond. "S-sure. When are we going?"

"As soon as you're ready, we can go."

Yuki was about to mention her classes, when she saw a small smile of Kaname's face. She had never seen Kaname smile before, but for some reason, this smile was less cheerful than his normal expression. It had sorrow in it, and it was like he was begging her to go with him. She nodded and turned into her room, before shutting the door slowly to go change.

*          *          *

Kaname and Yuki walked through downtown awkwardly, not getting too close, but close enough that people wouldn't walk in between them. They walked into Yuki's favorite ice cream shop and sat down, ordering one sundae for Yuki. They sat in awkward silence for a while, until Kaname finally spoke. "How was your night shift last night? You seem very tired."

"Yeah. Zero didn't show up for duty last night." she answered. "I had to cover the entire night with out him." Kaname sucked in a sharp breath. "What? What's wrong?"

Kaname quickly recovered. "Nothing. I wonder where he was."

Yuki seemed content with Kaname's answer. "Yeah, he hasn't shown up for a while. I even went to his dorm. I asked my dad where he is but he just told me Zero was 'blowing off steam."

There was a pause in the conversation.

"Yuki, I have to go."

"Huh? Why?" Yuki's voice was full of surprise.

"I have something I have to do."

"O-okay. I'll go back to the school with you."

Kaname stood up. "I'm not going back to the school right now and I would prefer to do this alone." He weakly smiled.

Yuki nodded and stayed where she was, finishing her ice cream.

Kaname walked out of the shop and wandered the town for a while, eyes open and alert. He couldn't sense him, but he really needed to talk to him... Maybe the curse was keeping them away. Kaname felt a knot of regret rise in his stomach. He should never have done it. Now, he might never see him again!

Kaname was snapped out of this mind frame by a sudden presence. He'd found him. Kaname rushed pas buildings and stopped by a large, abandoned church. He entered the musty building and ascended the spiral staircase set in the back wall. Once he reached the top, he was relieved to find Zero, sitting facing Kaname, as though he'd  been waiting.

I am SINCERELY SORRY!!! It's hardly four Fridays ago. (when I actually promised to update.) I don't know why, but I always promise that I'll update in a week (will the full intention to) and then other stuff will get in the Way and here I am, a month later. And then I promise the same thing again, thinking "I'll be able to do it this time!" and then her I am, a month later again. Maybe my updates should be a month in between. Idk. All I know is that I'm never going to tell you guys "I'll update in a week!" ever again.

Well, I've been keeping this update from you long enough. It's time to send it out to you. Bye! I hope you liked it!!

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