The story begins

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Izuku POV:

as Izuku begins to open his eyes he hears a slight humming noise and a beeping noise before An electric voice speaks.

"Oh! your awake finally!"

The voice says as Izuku sees a small x shaped object floating in front of him.  The object has a sort of 'eye' in the center of its body and is clearly looking at him waiting for a response.

"What happened? Who are you? where am I?" 

He asks looking around.  He sees that he is in an alleyway and hears the bustle of people coming from, what he assumes, is the main street. He gets up and suddenly a wave of nausea washes over him causing him to double over and almost fall over again. 

"Be careful, Guardian" The voice says, "this is your first awakening so you might still be groggy. To answer your questions, I revived you. I don't know how you died I just found you laying here. I don't know who you are yet. And i believe this city is called Musutafu City."

"What do you mean revived me and how do you not know who I am? Why would you revive me without knowing anything about me?" the young boy asked.

"Well you were dead." said the ghost matter-of-factly "and I can look into who you were later once we get you to a safer spot. I revived you because the light choose you to be this worlds guardian."

"What's a Gaurdian? and what is the ligh-" He was cut off by a clanking noise from around the corner.

"We can answer your question later guardian, but we need to get you to a safe place first. The light calls out inside of you and those who know how to sense it will come to find you." The thing Said as it turned into a blue light and faded away.

Izuku looked around trying to find the thing before calling out to it.

"Where did you go?" he almost shouted.

"No need to shout I'm a part of the light inside of you now i can conceal myself inside of you. I can also read your thoughts so if you wish to talk to me just concentrate on me and I will hear what your saying."

'ok. So who are you and where is this safe place I should go.'

'oh I'm a Ghost, your Ghost now, we are connected through the light that we share' the voice said 'and if you follow that marker' a yellow marker appeared in Izukus vision as he said this 'youll be at the safe point. Its already set up for a Guardian I made sure that whoever i found would have place to hide once they were awakened, Try jumping up to that roof' The voice said like it was no big deal.

To izuku it was a very big deal. that building he was suppose to jump to was two stories tall. ' There's no way i can jump that high.' 

'maybe not before your awakening, but your physical abilities have been significantly enhanced since becoming a guardian. Jump and when your at the apex of your jump focus on gliding even higher and your Lift will activate allowing you glide even higher' 

Izuku jumped and reached the top of the first story than did as Ghost said and thought of jumping again which caused him to suddenly feel like he was being lifted higher and he realized that he was on the roof of the building. 

"wow i actually just jumped up like 20 feet" he said out loud. 

Ghost appeared before him again "congratulations on your first ability as a guardian I will help you achieve more as we continue to work together but for now this should get you to the hideout.  Just be careful no to jump over a busy street we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Ghost said as he disappeared again.

Izuku looked in the direction of the yellow marker and saw that he would have to clear multiple rooftops to get anywhere near it.  He approached the edge of the building he was on and looked down.  It was a long fall but, ghost had been right about the lift thing so he decided hed trust him.  He walked back about five or six feet before running at the edge and pushing off hard once he reached it.  He landed and barely felt the impact.  Looking back at the 15 foot gap that he had just jumped, a smile crept its way onto his face.  The rest of the journey went much faster now that izuku had faith in his abilities.

The day passed normaly for the city of musutafu.  The  streets were crowded with civilians going to and from work or other errands.  Heroes on their patrol smiling and waving at people as they passed and stopping some petty crimes.  In an alleyway a young girl, around 17 with messy blond hair in buns looked up as a shadow crossed overtop of her.  She just barely caught the wisp of green hair on the silhouette that leapt between the rooftops.

After around 30 minuets of this Izuku reached the hideout.  on the outside it looked like a run down old building, but once inside it was a fully furnished home complete with bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen. 

"nice place you chose Ghost" He said aloud looking around at everything.

"Go through the door at the back of the room and you'll see the area with all of your gear."

"What gear?" Izuku asked as he walked through the backdoor. upon opening said door he immediately noticed a 3 monitor desktop PC, A gun rack with strange and exotic looking weapons and and armor stand with some gear on it.

Ghost suddenly appeared and looked at him "I'll explain the gear and weapons in a minuet but first I need to tell you What a Guardian is or at least what it is in the time I come from

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Ghost suddenly appeared and looked at him "I'll explain the gear and weapons in a minuet but first I need to tell you What a Guardian is or at least what it is in the time I come from."


Next chapter preview:

-Explaining the Guardians and the light

-training skip because why not


Next Chapter Title: 


hope you guys enjoy.

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