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One week has passed since Ghost originally revived our guardian. Guardian spent the week adjusting to his new abilities and strength.  He was far faster and stronger than a normal human should be, at least he assumed so, he still couldn't remember his previous life.  bits and pieces were coming back to him like the faces of some of the people in his life.  There was a blond boy with spiky hair, a girl with onyx black hair and eyes, and a girl with violet hair and what looked like headphone jacks dangling from her ears.  He couldn't put names to any of those faces or remember why he knew them.  Since he didn't need to sleep as often now he would spend the nights just thinking about who these people possibly could be.

One night ghost said, "Now that you have adjusted to your improved body I should explain what the light is to you."  

Guardian turned to him, "I'm hoping this will answer more of my questions."

"I'm sure that it will answer some of them, but it will surely raise more as well.  Well lets get started than. The first thing you need to understand is what the 'Light' is.  the Light is a paracausal force that has existed since before the beginning of time and space. It is fundamentally driven to increase the complexity and diversity of entities within the universe, and in particular to encourage the growth of new lifeforms. (destinypedia)" Guardian just looked at him confused. "Basically it means that it is a force that exists to create new life and give power to those it chooses. it doesn't fit inside the normal rules of the universe it does things that just cant be explained by our logic.  The Traveler-" he said while projecting a picture infront of him of a huge whit sphere.

  The Traveler-" he said while projecting a picture infront of him of a huge whit sphere

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"-is what brings the light, but it does not create it just harnesses it.  The traveler used the Light to build Ghosts;  The ghosts in turn use the light to create Guardians."

"wait I thought Guardian was my name?" Guardian said confused.

"Well since you don't remember your name its what I've been calling you, But guardians are more than just a name. Guardians are the rare few that can wield the light as a power (destinypedia). Its the source of all your abilities. Your enhance body was crafted from the light when you were reborn.  As you grow more I will teach you more about your abilities and how to use them." Ghost said in a happy tone.

"So basically the light is the driving force behind life in the universe and it gives its power to the Guardians to protect that life." Guardian said while thinking to himself.

"Exactly now that you understand that I can begin to teach you more about your abilities. Before we start your training though if you would like I can do a scan of your face and begin to research your past since your memories are coming back slowly. This will at least give us a name for you and eventually allow you to reconnect with your past."

Guardian thought about it for a second, "Ok that sounds like a good plan. I don't know how I'm going to explain this all to them though or if they will believe me or not.  But, I at least need to know who I am and where I came from." He said as he stood up from the bed and took of his helmet.

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