The reveal

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The bus ride back was silent as the class stared at guardian being hugged by jiro and momo.  As the bus trudged on Tsu was the one to finally break the silence, "Guardian im usually really blunt so sorry If I offend you but could you tell us more about yourself.  I know you said you have amnesia but is there anything you remember?"

"all i remember from before wakeing up is some faces.  Kyoka and momos faces i remember also a boy with blond hair and a woman with green hair."  He said causing Kyoka and momo to hug him tighter knowing he at least remembered them in some way.  "As for my time as Guardian, well you all know most of what Ive done." He said.

The bus returned to normal after that, tau had broken the ice and while Guardian still seemed bigger than life, everyone could at least let him be for now.

Toshinori yagi, also known as all might, was riding back to UA in a car with nezu, Aizawa, and midnight.  He was deep in thought not really paying attention to the others in the car, 'how is he alive' he kept asking himself.  He wanted more than anything to deny that Guardian was his son but there was no way to do that.  Guardian looked exactly like Izuku, other than the growth spurt and muscles, 'How is Inko going to react'.

"YAGI!" midnight yelled to snap toshinori out of his thoughts.

"oh um sorry did you need something?" toshinori asked looking around the vehicle.

"Yes I asked If you were ok?" Midnight said

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"well your son, that was supposed to be dead for over a year now, is riding in the bus behind us with the hero class you teach." She said with mild concern in her voice.  Her psychology training was kicking in and she began to analyze his answers.  He was far too calm for a parent that just saw their dead son.

All might panicked internally 'WHAT DO I SAY! How do I tell her that I forgot my own son, AGAIN, without sounding like a horrible parent.'

midnight watched as all might fidgeted in his seat. something about this entire situation just felt wrong to her.  Instead of pressing Yagi for an answer she looked back on when they were informed that Izuku was dead.  Toshinori and Inko were devastated at the funeral, as any grieving parent should be, but it seemed if they had gotten over it far too quick.   they even had another child now, a daughter named Izumi only 3 months old.  in her professional opinion things weren't adding up and she really didn't want to cause a friend of something that she couldn't prove.

The rest of the ride progressed in silence Yagi squirming under the intense stare of midnight and aizawa focusing on driving the car.  Nezu was pondering the situation as well especially after Midnights question, 'I hope you know what you're doing nemuri cause if you're right this could turn into something much bigger than just taking in a vigilante.'

The Bus arrived at the school along with the staff and the students were escorted inside were detective tsukauchi was waiting to take their statements.  Guardian was informed that his would be last and was led to principal Nezus office.  Once inside he noticed that all might had not come with them. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Nezu said innocently.

Izuku scanned the room and took in his options, just incase he needed to make a move, "Why did all might stay behind and why do you look so eager to question me?" He asked.

Nezu smiled wider as he went to answer but was interupted by aizawa, "Before this conversation starts you should lock down the room nezu.  I suggest priority 5"

Nezu looked at his most trusted employee, and friend, with a shocked face, "Is there really that much need for secrecy?"

"Yes" Is all aizawa replied waiting for nezu to make a move.

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