storms brewing

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Toshinori was pacing outside the office waiting for Inko to arrive, to distracted by his thoughts to notice the office go into lock down.  He continued to pace nervously as his thoughts continued to consume him until he felt a hand on his arm.  Startled out of his thoughts he jumped slightly at the touch and his head snapped in the direction of the hand.  seeing it connected to his wife he sighed deeply. 

"Toshi I called your name multiple times, whats going on?" Inko asked her face held worry and concern.  

All might looked her in the eyes, the glowing green emerelands that their son, and now daughter, share with her before looking to the baby sleeping in her arms. "It...It's about Izuku Inko."

her face went from sadness to confusion, "w-what about him, he died Toshi?  What else could they want to know and why are they asking a year later?"

Toshinori looked his wife in the eyes and then his fell to the floor,  "Do you remember The vigilante guardian?"  He asked quietly.

"Of course I do. I followed the news of him from the beginning and ever since he took his helmet off that one time,  It made me pay even more attention to him...H-he...H-his looks remind me of Izuku." Tears fell from her eyes as she spoke, but before she could continue the door to the office opened.

"Ah welcome Inko, come in." Nezu said gesturing to Inko and Toshinori.  once inside the office toshinori immediately felt the tension.  He also felt the piercing eyes of midnight lingering on him and his wife.  It terrified him.  This was not her normal flirty playful look.  This was the look she used for the dangerous criminals the look she used when she was toying with prey that was to be devoured.  

Inko waved slightly to Nemuri as she approached and sat on the couch opposite the desk that nezu sat.  Toshinori noticed that Nemuri did not wave back, and followed to sit next to his wife.  That was when guardian shut the door to the office and nezu once again put it on lockdown.  "Thank you for coming Mrs.Yagi Im assuming your husband has informed you why you are here?"  Nezu asked, gazing her reaction and her answer.

Inkos head turned away from guardian and the now gated doors as she replied to nezu, "No he didn't He just said its urgent and to come immediately.  Why is the office locked down, and why is Guardian here?"  She asked adjusting the sleeping baby in her arms. 

Nezu and midnight shared a look that didn't go unnoticed by Toshinori.  He was already tense but his instincts were telling him to buff up and attack now something was wrong.  He ignored them, assuming he knew what was going to happen.  This was going to be a disaster for All Might.

"Well since he didn't inform you let me." midnight began, the friendliness in her voice non-existent, she knew something was up and she was going to get to the bottom of it. "Alas 1-A was on a training exercise at the USJ when they were attacked by villains."

Inko immediately turned to toshinori, assuming that was why she was called, and began questioning him, "Are you ok? What happened? Did you get hurt? Did you save all of them?" she began firing of questions at him not even letting him answer until she was interrupted by Midnight.

"Toshinori is not the reason you were called here Inko." she motioned to guardian, "He is." Guardian stepped forward and leaned on the side of Nezus desk. "When the attack occurred he arrived and saved the students defeating the villains."

Inko looked between all the members of the room, even Aizawa who was "asleep" in the corner, with confusion before saying, "Why would I be called about Guardian? I don't have any idea who he is and I'm not a hero so I don't see why I'm here?"

Nemuri put walked next to Guardian, placing herself between him and them before continuing, "Guardian doesn't remember his past but he does have some of the knowledge do to his research," she turned and nodded to him.

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