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    "The izuku you new died the day he jumped. I may have his looks but all the old memories are gone." Guardian stated while looking at the crying girls.

    momo was the first to speak, "W-what do you mean, your clearly izuku how do you not remember us?" 

    Guardian sighed as he let his helmet fall, before it touched the ground it dissolved into blue mist. "I have no memories from my life before i woke up as a guardian. I've done research and learned everything i can about Izuku midoriya but none of the memories come back to me. Just a few faces."

    "How did you wake up? Everyone thought you were dead." Jiro stated.

    Ghost materialized itself and answered for him. "That would be because of me." Everyone turned to ghost at that, "I had Ben awakened by the traveler and sent to find a new guardian. While searching I found Izuku's body, it was in bad shape and he was already dead, but he had one of the most heroic souls i had ever seen and i decided to make his dream a reality and brought him back as a guardian." 

    "We call him guardian, but you keep saying he is A guardian. What does that mean?" Aizawa asked.

    "Long ago, during humanities golden age, The traveler came to this world and created the Ghosts, like me, to search out heroic humans with the potential to become something far greater. When a ghost chose a Human to be a guardian they were blessed with the light, a power that allows them to do many things." Ghost answered.

    "But what was the purpose of the guardians? Was it to defend humanity or the traveler?" Aizawa asked. "And who is the traveler?"

    "Not who but what. And guardians are the defenders of all both the humans and the traveler. Under the guardians and the travelers guidance humanity thrived and expanded throughout the solar system. The guardians were explorers and soldiers. The first enemy that they fought was the hive. But to be honest the history doesnt really matter now. All you need to know is that when I brought izuku back to life he lost all his memories of his old life."

    Izuku sighed again as he listened to ghost speak before speaking up himself, "realistically its as if izuku died and i just inherited his body. All i know about him is that he was quirkless and bullied for it but always remained a kind person that helped others. I'm sorry but im not the friend that you think i am." He said to momo and Jiro.

    "You may not remember us or who you were before, but you are still the same person with the same kind heart." Momo said.

    "Ya memories or not you still choose to help others before yourself. With your power you could have done anything or became anyone you wanted to but you still chose to help others. That's a part of you that you can't forget." Jiro said.

    "So should we be worried about the traveler coming back? Or one other kind of danger?" Aizawa asked interrupting the reunited friends.

    "We don't know" Guardian answered?

    "As far as i can tell there are no other ghosts or guardians out there that i can detect. Nor can i feel the presence of the traveler. It's strange why did I come back now, why was a guardian born now? These are questions that we don't yet have the answer to. Your world seems to be doing just fine, Overall i mean. The heroes and villains are at a balance and there doesn't seem to be any major threat from the species that caused problems in the past. So i really don't know why we are here, but im sure that the path will reveal itself going forward."

    "Why are you so sure, what if its just some kind of mistake?" A yellow haired boy asked.

    "There are no mistakes, everything serves a purpose even if you don't know what it is yet." Izuku answered. "One day that purpose will reveal itself but until then ill keep helping people as best i can." He started backing away. " now i really should be going or are you going to try to stop me eraser, all might?" 

    "technically you are a vigilante, but I may have a way for you to become a fully recognized hero." Aizawa said.

    "your going to get nezu involved aren't you eraser?" All might asked.

    "Ya, vigilante or not I can't deny that guardian has done a lot of good for japan and if we work together with him than we can help each other going forward instead of trying to catch him all the time. Besides if im being honest I don't think any of the heroes around could stop him right now, maybe you could all might but that's it. Anyways its up to you izuku." Aizawa said.

    "im not izuku anymore."

    "Yes you are kid. You may be guardian but under the mask and armor your still izuku and your still aloud to just be a kid sometimes. You don't have to run and hide forever and you don't have to fight endlessly as guardian. It's ok to just be izuku sometime. Why don't you come back to UA with us we can talk to nezu about what happens next and you can try just being yourself for once not being guardian."

After aizawa spoke the doors burst open a second time causing Guardian to jump slightly and his hand canon to appear in his hand. Looking towards the door he recognized the rest of the UA staff and dropped the gun letting it dissolve back into blue mist.  The staff approached him. Nezu, who was sitting on midnights shoulder was the first to speak, "Ah guardian since your hear im assuming that the distress signal we received was from you?" He asked, receiving a nod from the boy he continued, "Well than i must thank you for protecting our students and take it care of the villains.  Also you are much younger than i expected you to be." Nezu stated with a smile at the young man in front of him.

"Nezu i was just asking guardian if he would like to come back to the school with us. He would be able to explain the situation to you there and after you hear his story I think there may be something that we can do for him." Aizawa said.

Nezu studied aizawa. He knew the man as a caring teacher but not one to usually go this far out of his way for his students, so the fact that he was sticking up for him spoke volumes about the mystery that is Guardian. Turning back to the boy Nezus curiosity won out, "I would love to hear the full story and see what we can do for this young man. It's the least i can do to thank him for saving our students."

Momo and kyouka smiled at this and looked expectantly at Izuku. Kyouka was the first to speak up, "You may not remember us but we will always be your friends," she began, "and no matter what we will support your choice."

"But we would very much appreciate it if you came back we do miss having you in our life. Your warm smile was always infectious and your heroic spirit obviously still lived on.  No matter who you are now, Izuku or guardian, we will still be your friends." Momo added.

"Also our parents are gonna freak out when we tell them, especially yours Izuku." Jiro said with a slight smirk.

Izuku thought about it before speaking, "Ill come back with you, but don't tell my mother yet."

"why not Guardian?" Nezu asked, "She would be overjoyed to see you again after believing you died."

"But will she? I'm no the same boy she raised anymore. Technically i broke the law and have done things that she probably will not be proud of.  Wouldn't it be better for her to just believe the child she raised died than to know that he's a completely different person?"

Midnight spoke up this time surprising most of the people there, "Growing and changing is a part of life Guardian. No one stays the same forever, or at least they shouldn't.  No matter who you have become I'm sure that your mother would be extremely proud of the man you are.  Even though you were a vigilante you saved peoples lives protected those who need protection and spent time talking to people who just needed some one to listen.  And there's also the possibility that she already knows."  Guardian looked confused at this.  "How do you think those two knew?  When you talked down that kid and gave him your helmet your face was shown on camera she might have seen it who knows."

Guardian sighed deeply, "fine you can tell her," He said almost instantly getting hugged by the two girls at his side.  They smiled up at him and than dragged him towards the bus not wanting to let him out of there sight.  They finally had their friend back and weren't going to let anything stop them from being with him.

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