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once the yagis had left the remaining occupants of the room began another discussion, "So Guardian there are a few more things that we need to discuss since Midnight is going to be your legal guardian." Nezu began.  "The main one being your living situation.  It'd be easiest to just move you on campus if that would work out for you."

Guardian was confused at this, "Wait why would I move on campus?"

nemuri put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn and look her in the eyes, "Because your not old enough to be out on your own.  Also because you need schooling if you want to be a hero in the eyes of the law.  UA can do both since we have a dormitory system."

"I guess I understand that."  Izuku said.  His armor suddenly glowed a bright blue before it was gone.  He was now standing there in a black compression shirt, and black shorts with a red stripe.  "Is there anything else or should we head to the dorms?" 

Nemuri looked at the teen infront of her,  his blank face and eyes almost looked bored with the situation but there was something there that she couldn't make out.  "Yes follow me and I will introduce you to your classmates.  Also, I know that you've been on your own for a while now but I want you to know that you can come to me with anything.  I'm your legal guardian now and I will help you in any way I can, ok." she said with a kind smile.

"I will remember that, and I'm sorry ahead of time if I mess this up the only person I really interact with is eraser head I'm used to being on my own otherwise.  so it will be hard for me to get used to relying on someone else."

"It'll take time but, that's ok we will figure it out as we go" Nemuri said as she lead Guardian out of the office and towards the dorms.

As they walked Ghost appeared floating at Guardians shoulder height, "We need to go to the base if your going to be staying here.  Everything will have to be moved and much more secured than before, since you will be near other students and heroes.  Your tech is much more advanced than what they have and must be protected.  It would be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands."

"After we meet with the students again and see where we are staying we could work on finding a location here that fits what we need. Or we can just build whatever we need." Guardian responds.

"Ill come with you and help you get your stuff packed  up and moved," Nemuri said "I'm sure if you need some help than i know two girls who would be more than willing to spend some time with you."  She said with a small smirk.

Guardian let out a groan before saying, "don't give them hope, I may not remember them but if they were my friends before than I really don't want to see them get hurt."

She pursed her lips before gently saying, "Like I said before, People change as they grow. even if you remembered them they wouldn't be the same people as before either.  Its ok for you to reach out and build relationships with people."

Guardian looked at her silently before he stopped walking and pout his hands on his hips, "I uh, may have not been 100% honest with how much i remember to them." He said quietly while looking at the ground.  

Nemuri froze when she heard this she didn't know what to say so she listened, "Truthfully, i do only remember Kyouka by the purple hair and quirk appendages." He looked conflicted before saying quietly, "I remember a lot more about Momo, almost 5 years worth of stuff actually.  I remember when we were 10 and went to see a movie together, that's the earliest memory, and i remember," He paused like he was trying to gauge how much to say.  As his eyes roamed around while, she assumed, his mind processed what to tell her, she noticed a light blush appear on his cheeks. "I-I remember us meeting b-behind the school one day during the summer a-and..."  he trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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