Chapter 1-Missing Attendee

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‘It’s been three years since she left me, two since her and Kei Lo broke up. Although I can hardly wrap my mind around, I still miss her. It’s not obvious, but I think she misses me too. It’s stupid, but I’d do anything to get her back.’

“Fire Lord Zuko, it’s time.” Said one of the servants from behind him.

He was getting ready for one of the most important meetings he will ever have. The signing of the Harmony Restoration Movement Treaty. He, Aang, and the rest of the group have decided to have it in the Fire Nation Palace, so he’d be hosting it.

“I’m coming.” Replied Zuko tiredly. He broke from his daydream and started prepping for the event.

“Were you daydreaming of Mai again, Sir?”

“Yeah,” Zuko replied hesitantly, “let’s just go.”

“I mean no disrespect, Sir, but it’s been three years and…”

“I am well aware of how long it’s been,” The servant was cut off mid-sentence “believe me.”

The servant left the room so Zuko could get changed. Zuko walked over to the window sill and took a deep breath. He felt the cool air against his face. He then let out a sigh in despair.

‘He doesn’t understand,’ He thought ‘she’s the only girl I’ve ever loved. She loved me too and it’s all my fault she left. She knew me better than almost anyone. I haven’t seen her in nearly a year, I’m growing tired of this.’

He walked away from both the window and his thoughts.

“I can’t do this right now.” He muttered to himself.

He walked into his closet to retrieve his formal attire. It was in the same place every time, but for whatever reason, he was having trouble finding it. He searched his closet up and down, but his usual robes were nowhere to be found, so he picked the next best thing.

After he resolved his clothing situation, he did his hair up in his usual topknot. He preferred to keep his hair out, it was by far more comfortable, but while he was serving his duties, he was to wear his hair up formally. 

He had a bit of time left before he had to be in the meeting hall, so he went over to his desk. He hadn’t the slightest idea what it was he wanted to do over there. He ultimately decided to write a letter containing his idea of a profession of love to Mai. He knew he never wanted to send it, or even read it after he finished writing it. Infact, he intented to destroy it later. It was horribly embarrassing, but he didn’t really want to talk to anyone about how he’s feeling, writing it down was the only way he felt he could get it out. He knew of his inability with words, but he was hoping this time would be different. 

He took out his stationary and started writing.

Dear Mai, 

I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but I can’t stop thinking about you. You are my concern every minute. I know that you’re likely still mad at me, and I can’t give you everything that you deserve. I’m not good enough, but does that really matter? I can’t really speak for you, but I still love you, and I always have. I know I’m not the best with words, that has been shown over the years, you’ve experienced this first hand, but I’m hoping this letter will be good enough to please you. I simply want to give you the world, but I could never do such an outrageous thing since I simply don’t know how I would. I can’t help but wonder if you still hate, or if you ever have. But the one thing I know with certainty is that I don’t hate you.



He banged his head against his desk.

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