Chapter 5

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I woke up to Tubbo shaking me and telling me that we should get up. I looked over at the clock and saw that we must've slept for five hours and it was 5pm. I groaned and followed him to the living room. I completely forgot about the recent discovery of my magic until Tommy was jumping up and down for me to tell him. Phil said that we would talk about it at dinner, so we played Mario Kart until he invited us to the table. I really liked this family. My family.

I sat down at the table with Tubbo by my side, Wilbur and Tommy across from us, and Phil and Techno at the heads of the table. "Okay, Tubbo. What did you find out?" Phil asked as Tommy and Tubbo perked up with excitement.

"Ranboo got very lucky. And when I mean very lucky, I mean almost impossible. I've never heard of it happening." Tubbo said as everyone gave a confused, but excited look. "Ranboo has three powers and they are all unrelated."

"What?! No way that he gets more powers than me!! That's possible??" Tommy yelled and Tubbo nodded.

"What powers are they?" Wilbur asked, intrigued.

"Control of light and darkness, electrokinesis, and teleportation." Tubbo said as Phil's eyes went wide.

"What does that mean? Why does Phil look so shocked? Techno?" Tommy asked, confused. Wilbur was also very confused.

"Control of light and darkness deals with eye contact. If he were to make eye contact with you, you would be blinded by either a bright light or complete darkness. This makes sense on why he doesn't like eye contact." Techno explained.

"Woah~" Wilbur said, amazed.

"Electrokinesis is the control of lightning. This one is pretty rare, cool to watch, and powerful. I don't know if you remember, but Jack Manifold has electrokinesis."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that when he has a panic attack every time it storms?" Wilbur questioned as I flinched a bit at his stern voice. Tubbo noticed my quick change of emotions and put a comforting hand on my leg.

"We'll work through it. It'll take some time, but it'll be worth it. We can probably get Jack to help." Tubbo said.

"The third one, teleportation, is extremely rare. We haven't had a reported case of one in over 100 years. This would explain Phil's look." Techno said and everyone looked over to Phil and laughed a bit. "Teleportation is normally very hard to train and gain control over, so that will take a bit of time. Teleportation is where someone can be in one location, disappear, and reappear in a totally different location. Basically, he can move without walking or flying."

"What the fuck! Why does he get cool powers and I'm stuck here with lame fire?!" Tommy yelled.

"I like your power very much, Tommy." I said to try to comfort him. "Thank you." He mumbled under his breath.

"So, what's the plan? How do we learn more about his powers and how to use them?" Wilbur asked.

"I guess, we'll have to start training tomorrow." Phil said as Tommy and Techno's face lit up with excitement.

"You're going down." They said at the same time which made everyone burst out with laughter.

Tubbo basically lives here now. He barely leaves and sleeps in either mine or Tommy's bed. We've become pretty close in the short amount of time I've known him. I really hope this family likes me as much as I like them. We sat down on the couch and watched a movie I've never heard of. Phil, Techno, and Wilbur were curled up together on one couch while I was being squished with cuddles from Tommy and Tubbo. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it very much. I felt loved and included which made me feel happy and safe.

I heard rain hit the roof and distant thunder, which made my heart speed up and breathing become uneasy. Tubbo looked up from where he was curled up to look at me. I forgot that his power was reading emotions. "Would it help if we went upstairs?" he whispered to me and I nodded.

Tommy looked disappointed that his 'pillow'(me) left. I followed Tubbo upstairs to my room with trembling legs. The thunder got louder and started to lightly shake the house. My breathing became bad again as Tubbo left my side to shut the windows. I sat on my bed with my back against the headboard and my knees curled up. Tubbo sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey, breathe with me." He said as I tried to follow his breathing. We were silent for a solid five minutes until he broke the silence again after my breathing calmed. "You are doing much better at this. I'm proud of you." He said with his contagious smile. "I found out why you are scared of storms when I was looking for your powers. Do you remember? You were quite young."

"No.... Can you tell me?" I asked.

"Yeah. When you were about two, your parents left you in front of the orphanage. It was thunder storming really hard. I watched as you panicked every time it stormed since that day. It hurt me to see you alone." He said and we sat in silence.

"D- Do you know why they left?"

"From what I gathered from their conversation, they didn't have enough money. They were poor and didn't want you to suffer with them. It wasn't your fault." He said, somehow knowing how much I blamed myself.

"Thank you, Tubbo. Thank you for always being here."

"Of course, boss man." He said with a small smile. A bright flash of lightning made me curl up closer to him as I saw Tommy walk in.

"Are you doing okay?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. I'll have to work on this fear. Do you think that you two can help me?" I asked.

"Of course! That's what we're here for." Tommy said as he laid down with us. We all fell asleep holding each other tightly, too scared to let go.

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